Workout of the Day A. Sumo deadlift 1RM B. 3 individually times rounds: Row 300/250 20 kb lunges 20 kb swings This week we have olympic lifting on both Tuesday and Thursday evening at 19.15. There is no WOD on Tuesday at this time but there will be a WOD on Thursday. The weightlifting classes cost just £3 to attend and you don't need to be a member of the gym to attend. These classes will look at two of the most complex barbell exercises, the snatch and clean and jerk. Colette has over 6 years of weightlifting experience and is a highly qualified coach to boot. This is not to be missed. This Friday is back to normal, another bring-a-friend day will be announced soon. Saturday 11.15 is CrossFit Kids and Girls WOD. These are the PR's from October, we are pleased to see so many firsts for so many athletes and are inspired by your efforts to continually strive to improve yourselves. This part of the board has been wiped clean for November, if you PR a lift get it up there and inspire the other members of the gym to become better versions of themselves!