Workout of the Day
May 20, 2020
Wednesday 20th May Warm-up 2 rounds: 5/side plank rotations 20 lateral hops + 20 forward and back hops 10/arm super light strict press 10 weighted good morning (with whatever weight you have) Metcon (Time) Chipper for time: 100x Russian Twists (each side) use any object 100x Box Jumps / Jump over object 100x Strict Press(single arm, 50/side, change sides every 10 reps) with any object 100x KBS (Russian if with backpack) RX+: up reps to 120 ------------ Scaled/Silvers: 60-80x Russian Twists (each side) use any object 60-80x Box Jumps / Jump over object 60-80x Strict Press(single arm, 50/side, change sides every 10 reps) with any object 60-80x KBS (Russian if with backpack) "Now who doesn't love a Wednesday Chipper? It's like we've even taken over your need to think, just count to 100, do it again, do it again... For our first movement we have the Russian twist, a common mistake with this movement is to try to move the object from the floor on one side of you to the floor on the other side of you, this means we're rotating more from the upper back and losing tension every time. What I would like you to do is hold your object to your chest and keepo it there for the entirety of the work. Rotate through the waist and really use those obliques. Box jumps, stair jumps, jump over a thing, the main thing we're looking for here is a powerful hip extension that sends you a [...]