Workout of the Day

May 20, 2020

By |2020-05-20T08:42:43+01:00May 20th, 2020|WOD|

Wednesday 20th May Warm-up 2 rounds: 5/side plank rotations 20 lateral hops + 20 forward and back hops 10/arm super light strict press 10 weighted good morning (with whatever weight you have) Metcon (Time) Chipper for time: 100x Russian Twists (each side) use any object 100x Box Jumps / Jump over object 100x Strict Press(single arm, 50/side, change sides every 10 reps) with any object 100x KBS (Russian if with backpack) RX+: up reps to 120 ------------ Scaled/Silvers: 60-80x Russian Twists (each side) use any object 60-80x Box Jumps / Jump over object 60-80x Strict Press(single arm, 50/side, change sides every 10 reps) with any object 60-80x KBS (Russian if with backpack) "Now who doesn't love a Wednesday Chipper? It's like we've even taken over your need to think, just count to 100, do it again, do it again... For our first movement we have the Russian twist, a common mistake with this movement is to try to move the object from the floor on one side of you to the floor on the other side of you, this means we're rotating more from the upper back and losing tension every time. What I would like you to do is hold your object to your chest and keepo it there for the entirety of the work. Rotate through the waist and really use those obliques. Box jumps, stair jumps, jump over a thing, the main thing we're looking for here is a powerful hip extension that sends you a [...]

May 19, 2020

By |2020-05-19T10:03:23+01:00May 19th, 2020|WOD|

Tuesday 19th May Warm-up 2 rounds: 30 star jumps 10 push ups 10 hollow rocks Strength Strength day and it's all chest, at last I can have the cleavage I've always dreamed of, there's some nasty wonderful stuff in your future and I'm here to help your transition from pain free to ooh, ow, stop. Metcon (AMRAP - Reps) A. 9x5 every 45 seconds Pseudo Push up Scaled: A. 4x20sec Pseudo position Plank hold A. The pseudo push up, this is a new movement for a lot of you, possibly all of you, this is a planche push up progression, our ultimate aim is to be in a perfect planche and perform push ups, this may not happen after 1 session. As this is a new movement for you I've written a really long description for Ryan and he will take you through it in minute detail in his brief, so you're going to to have to watch the brief, Ryan wear something pretty please your audience awaits. Once you have watched the video set a timer to run for 9 rounds and 45 seconds, you have 45 seconds to perform 5 pseudo pushups and rest, once the timer beeps you're off again. Deficit Handstand Push-ups (Max reps) Handstand Push-ups (B. 9x3 Strict RX+ 2" deficit) Scaled/Silvers: B. 9x3 Pike Pushups or 5sec negative pushups B. Strict HSPU, these never stop being fun, you can use that same timer again if you're able, you can up it to [...]

May 18, 2020

By |2020-05-18T08:00:44+01:00May 18th, 2020|WOD|

Monday 18th May   Warm-up 2 rounds: 10 swings 10 front squats 10 OH press 30 high knees with hands on wall Metcon (Time) For time: 5 rounds: 20x alt DB snatches / STOH with Backpack 20x Medball Cleans / Backpack Cleans Finish with 1mile run RX+ run with weight vest/backpack Finisher: Pigeon stretch 1min per side Legs up on wall, bum to wall - hold for 2 min, relax into position. Legs wide. Silvers/Scaled: For time: 4 rounds: 20x alt DB snatches / STOH with Backpack 15x Medball Cleans / Backpack Cleans Finish with 800m run / 4 min cardio It's a brave new week, the birds are singing, wolves have been reintroduced to Glasgow Green and their mournful howl as they hunt joggers fills the air. So if you're doing your buy out run around that area please be aware, they like to hunt slow running things. It's a little bit stinky today, your quads should definitely feel it when you get to that mile run. The alternating DB snatch, we want full lockout overhead and don't forget to use that bum of yours to get that sucker up, if you're just using your traps to yank it up then you are going to be sore tomorrow, 1 head of the DB to touch the floor between reps and if you're changing hands mid air then please bring the DB past your face first to minimize the risk of killing yourself if it slips. If you don't [...]

May 17, 2020

By |2020-05-18T08:00:35+01:00May 17th, 2020|WOD|

Sunday Runday 17th May   Warm-up Roxanne Warm Up everytime it says roxanne = down up redlight = air squat Metcon (Distance) 30min aerobic run with 8x30sec fast surges to be performed within the 30minutes. The surges must be spaced a minimum of 1 minute apart

May 16, 2020

By |2020-05-18T08:00:24+01:00May 16th, 2020|WOD|

Saturday 16th May   Warm-up 4 Rounds 20 Sec On 10 Sec off Wide Lunges 4 Rounds 20 Sec On 10 Sec Off Air Squats 4 Rounds 20 Sec On 10 Sec Off Knee Press Ups Metcon (Time) 5RFT with Backpack on at all times 15x Burpees 15x Step Ups 400m Run 15x Press Ups 15x Squats ------------ Scaled/Silvers: 4-5 RFT: 15-20x Burpees 15-20x Box Jumps/Jump Overs/Step Ups 200m Run 15-20x Press Ups 15-20x Air Squats It's Saturday means only one thing it's time to get sweaty to earn that pizza and beer . The wod will take about 40-45mins the key is to push all the movements and take it easy on the run,use that as your recovery . The backpack can be as light as you like to a maximum of 10kg .

May 15, 2020

By |2020-05-18T08:00:19+01:00May 15th, 2020|WOD|

Friday 15th May Technique Classes this week are on Gymnastics on Thurs & Sat   Warm-up 30x zombie kicks 15x lunges (drive knee out in front and hip forward in back leg with pause at bottom) 30x calf raises 30x penguin taps 15x burpees Metcon (2 Rounds for reps) alt EMOM 12 40x Double Unders / 60x Singles / 30x Star Jumps 15x KBS RX+ 50x DU's & 20x KBS Finisher: 3 rounds 90s Glut bridge march - rest 30s - 1 min if you have a mini band you can put it around your knees *score is round one: total skips (RX & RX+ are Double Unders) round 2: total KBS Something nice and simple to finish the work week, 12 minutes of work, odd minutes you will perform either 40 DU, 80 SU or 40 star jumps, just to get your heart rate up, even minutes you'll be doing KBS. Oh bountiful joy. we don't really have to go through the odd minutes they're pretty self explanatory, however even minutes offer some interesting choices. If you have an appropriate weight KB then you'll be performing American swings, all the way overhead, if you have a heavy KB then you will perform Russian swings, just up to eye height. If you don't have a KB then you can use a DB, hold it by one head and perform Russian swings, if you have no weight you can fill a backpack with weight and perform Russian swings, these will [...]

May 14, 2020

By |2020-05-18T08:00:05+01:00May 14th, 2020|WOD|

Thursday May 14th Technique Classes this week are on Gymnastics on Thurs & Sat Warm-up 4 rounds 3x Inch worm hold gymnastic plank 3 secs 6x Air squat (pause in bottom open up hips) 9x Burpees Metcon (Time) 3 rounds for time: 10x Pullups / Inverse Rows 20x Pushups 30x Sit-ups 40x Thrusters(1 arm, alt every 10 reps, or 2 arms if you have the equipment) 30x Sit-ups 20x Pushups 10x Pullups / Inverse Rows rest 3 min between round ----------- Scaled/Silvers: 3 rounds for time: 10x Bent Over Rows 15x Pushups to object or on knees 20x Situps 30x Thursters or Air Squats 20x Situps 15x Pushups to object or on knees 10x Bent Over Rows rest 3 min between round" Strict strength fun, we have 3 rounds with a 3 minute rest between rounds. 3 minutes should be just long enough to let you recover, we're aiming for consistency across each round, they should all be about the same time, give or take so really push yourself. If you don't have somewhere to do pullups then it's the inverse row for you, you should have a cosy little place all picked out by now. Push ups can be gymnastic, normal or on your knees but stay with the same movement for every round, remember consistency. Situps shouldn't be a problem for any of you, just pop something in the small of your back, a folded towel works well, so that you can maintain the arch. The bad [...]

May 13, 2020

By |2020-05-18T07:58:51+01:00May 13th, 2020|WOD|

Wednesday 13th May Technique Classes this week are on Gymnastics on Thurs & Sat   Warm-up 2 Rounds 15x Plate* Ground to Over Head 5x Burpees 30x Banded* Good Mornings 5x Burpees *bag hugged to chest will work just fine for good mornings and can also be used for GTOH doesn't need to be heavy Metcon (Time) 21-15-9 Box Jumps / Jump overs DB Snatch / Heavy Banded Sumo Dimmel Deadlift RX+ weight vest or loaded back pack ------------- Scaled/Silvers: *step-ups instead of jumps 21-15-9 everyone's favourite rep scheme, sprint, sprint, sprint. This is a fast little WOD, you should be out of breath early and stay that way. Box jumps if you have a box and jump overs if you do not. Your jump over is literally creating a barrier and jumping over it, a hurdle, a partner, a bin bag filled with helium balloons, turn around and jump back, the higher and wider the better. DB snatch will be alternating hands, all the way to the ground every time, you can do this with a KB if you have one, but half the reps in one hand then half in the other, don't change hands mid air, it's not safe or clever. You can also use an odd object in the house/yard - just make sure it is safe to grip and not breakable. You other option the banded sumo dimmel deadlift. Be sure to check out the YouTube brief to see how to do these properly. [...]

May 12, 2020

By |2020-05-18T08:01:48+01:00May 12th, 2020|WOD|

Tuesday 12th May Technique Classes this week are on Gymnastics on Thurs & Sat   Warm-up 3 Rounds 20x Shoulder Taps 20x Heel Drives 10x Tuck Jumps Go through scaling for HSPU 5x z-press 5x Pike push 5x Pike push ups raising the feet on box 5x Strict/Kipping HSPU Metcon (Time) Buy in: 800m run 10 rounds: 10x Tuck Crunch 10x HSPU / Pike Pushup 10x Burpees Buy out: 800m run RX+ 15x V-ups insteak of Tuck Crunch, 15x Burpees ---------------- Scaled/Silvers: Buy in: 400m Run/walk 8 Rounds: 8x Situps 8x Pushups 8x Burpees Buy out: 400m Run/walk So how are your legs after yesterday? A little owie? Again just a couple of short friendly runs to get the blood flowing and ease them back into working order. 800m run, this is not a sprint, its a quick run because when you get back in you want to get straight into that first set of tuck crunches. In the scale of this workout the tuck crunches are your rest station, their pace is limited and they're not that demanding, so enjoy them. The HSPU are your high value movement, lots of strength and skill required, these can be strict or kipping, depending on your space and fear of falling, you should be aiming for unbroken for the first 3-4 rounds at least, so scale appropriately. If you start dropping down to anything less than 5 reps move down to the next scaling option, we want to keep that intenstity [...]

May 11, 2020

By |2020-05-18T07:57:11+01:00May 11th, 2020|WOD|

Monday 11th May Technique Classes this week are on Gymnastics on Thurs & Sat   Warm-up 2 rounds 30 secs Tuck Jumps 20 sec rest 30 secs heel kicks 20 sec rest 30 secs mountain climbers 20 sec rest Metcon A. 40x jumps - seated squat jumps or jumps onto a step -plyometric force production is important for strength development Scaled/Silvers:A. 30x jumps - seated squat jumps or jumps onto a step -plyometric force production is important for strength development Monday strength day, yesterday there was a lot of running, your legs may be a little fatigued, thankfully we've got the cure for what ails you, lower body strength work, chase those DOMS away. A. We've got some plyometrics up first, we're trying to develop some real power in those leggies fo yours so when you're jumping you should be trying to get as high as your possibly can, it's not 40 jumps as fast as you can but 40 individuals jumps trying to get as high as you can. Front Squat (B. 6x 5 ) B. 6x 5 front squats with 3s descent and stand up fast --------- Scaled/Silvers B. 5x 5 front squats with 3s descent and stand up fast - rest 1 min between sets B. For your front squats you can use a KB a DB a BB or a heavy bag. DB and KB will be held either goblet style if you have but 1 or front rack if you have 2, the heavy [...]

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