Workout of the Day

(Power) Elizabeth


power cleans

ring dips

Tomorrow there is no 18.15 WOD.  A flexibility class is on instead.  This will move to Wednesdays after this week and will not interfere with the WODs, it is just this week during the transition that the WOD is cancelled.  The flexibility class will cover chest and back and costs just £4 to attend or £15 for 4 weeks of classes.  Consider this a must if you struggle to get depth in a squat, can’t do an overhead squat or a pistol without weightlifting shoes.

Thursday also has a weightlifting class at 19.15 with Colette Will.  This class is £3 and non-members are welcome to attend.

This weekend is the Fundamentals.  If you know anyone that wants to join, spaces are extremely limited.

Colette smashing 15.5

Colette smashing 15.5