Hey everyone,


Just an update on things that have gone on in the past week.  Saturday, the Highland Games were hosted at Glasgow Green along with the piping championships.  The rain stayed away and it turned out to be a fantastic day.  Davie Easton (for those that know him) competed in the Local Heroes team events for Strength Shop and finished 2nd place.  Events included log lifts, atlas stones, deadlift and farmers walks.

On Sunday the staff of CFG were at the Kelvinhall raising the profile of CrossFit and participating in Roots of Movement, Scotland’s National Parkour Event.  It was a tremendous success with almost 150 participants coming from as far as Japan, a special thank you is in order to Chris Grant for inviting us along and for hosting such a well-organised event.  If you’re interested in next year’s event or curious to see what it’s all about then please check out Glasgow Parkour’s Webpage I’m certain pictures of the event will be up soon.

As for developments at CFG there have been a few hold-ups.  The construction of the toilets and showers by the owners is taking a little longer than anticipated and pushing the projected lease signing back towards the end of the month.  Equipment is still looking good to arrive around next week.  The flooring is waiting to be delivered and the steel for fabricating the rig has been ordered and arrives on Thursday.  As soon as we have the lease we will let you all know.  I’d like to thank you all again for all the support you have shown us and I’ll be taking full advantage of all those offers to help paint/saw/build/carry equipment soon!  We are still looking to be operational for the first Monday in September (5th) but I can’t promise anything.

Once again if you have any questions or any news you wish to share with us then please just hit reply to this email and I will get it.  Also if you are interested in taking up the next Paleo Challenge then get on our FaceBook group and let us know.  Gavin has just completed the results packs for previous participants and if you have not collected your t-shirt then get in touch!

I hope you’re all well and training hard, look forward to seeing you all soon,

