Friday 3rd April
Join us for our online Solidarity competition while we are all stuck inside – it's free!

3 Rounds

10x standing zombie kicks
5x Inchworm to superman
5x Push ups

Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)
Run a clock
On minutes 0, 2, 4, 6 do:
5 burpees
15 air squats
5 burpees
Rest the remaining time.
Record slowest round.

Then on minute 8 do:
10 burpees
15 air squats

RX+ if you own a weight vest, wear it.

Wearing a weight vest for this WOD is going to change everything, get back up out of those burpees is going to be very tricky and the WOD at the end is going to crush souls. This should be about quality of movement, as with all the bodyweight movements it is very easy to cheat yourself into being quicker, but you’re in the house on your own, there’s no one watching you, you’re going to have to be your own judge, so be honest with yoruself.
You’ve got to think ""Do I want a good workout or a good score?"" Ideally you’ll get both, but if you want a good score take this steady, find a pave early on and maintain. If you want a good workout go hard early, get the heart rate up and start pacing when you see your rest time flying past you, let the pain cave welcome you into it’s cold embrace.
The WOD is a sprint, everything you’ve got left bring it and don’t forget to have a sweat towel and sick bucket handy.