Thursday 9th April
Join us for our online Solidarity competition while we are all stuck inside – it's free!

5 Rounds (3 for Scaled/Silvers)

10x Air squats
10x Jumping Lunges
10x Sit ups


Write weights used in comments

A. 4x 10 Sand Bag squats (load a backpack to AHAP and hug to belly)
B. 4x 12 per leg reverse lunges off raised platform
C. 4×10 per leg single stiff leg DB deadlifts
D. 4×20 weighted Russian twists
Finisher: 100 hamstring curls with hips raised, use medball or foam roller or socks on a slick floor

A. 4×10 Goblet Squats with DB/KB or heavy object
b. 4×10/leg reverse lunges
c. 4×10/leg stiff leg DB DL superset with 4×15 weighted Russian Twists
Finisher: 75 Hamstring curls with hips raised, use medball or foam roller or socks on a slick floor

Now who does not love a strength day, now that you are all trapped at home and desperate for any kind of stimulation I bet you’re all flocking to do these. Ironically you’re all going to be stronger through boredom than having access to a fully stocked gym. Now you’re going to want to put as much weight as you can into a backpack, remember that 1l of water weights 1kg so that’s a good way to go, likewise you could do a B&Q click and collect and grab a bag of builder’s sand from them, even a rubble sack filled with soil is a good option. I have a log in my garden, don’t know why, I think I just wanted to carry something once and so now I have a log in my garden, it’s very useful.
You can hold the heavy bag to your stomach or chest, pulling it in tights, bracing your upper back to try to stay as uprights as possible. If you start to feel this in your lower back it’s because you’re either going too low or you’re not bracing your abs enough.
Rear lunges off a platform, I feel like you don’t need this explaining too much, a platform is a surface generally higher than the one you are on, this can be books, the bottom stair, a garden step, a sleeping partner. With this still try to bring your knee to the floor, it’ll give you a little lovely stretch on your hip flexor.
For the SLSLDL you can use a weight if you have one but it is uneccessary, if you lack weight double the reps, you’ll find it is still bloody awful. Do all of your reps on one leg first, you do not have to come to the ground, try to keep your back leg straight, chest up and back flat as possible.
Rusian twist, this is done from a tuck hollow, rotate through the waist, don’t just turn from the shoulders, if you have a wallball, a DB or a KB then hold it to your chest, it does not touch the floor through your reps, I want you to stay fully engaged for all 20 reps.
Do not underestimate these hamstring curls, they can be done on a wallball, a foam/grid roller, a swiss ball or even on a slippery floor
Sandbag squats (4×10 )
*load a backpack to as heavy as possible and hug to belly

Silvers/scaled – Goblet Squats with DB/KB or heavy object