Tuesday 14th April
Join us for our online Solidarity competition while we are all stuck inside – it's free! https://competitioncorner.net/events/3777/register
Metcon (Time)
3 RFT:
50x Reverse Lunges alt
40x Sit ups
20x Burpee to tuck jump or Burpee to target
50x Reverse Lunges alt
40x Sit ups
20x Burpee to tuck jump or Burpee to target
RX+ Any weight held goblet style for the lunges
RX+ Wear a weight vest
RX+ Doing the whole WOD in your pyjamas
3 RFT:
40x Reverse Lunges
30x Sit ups
15x Burpee to target
10x Jumping lunges/lunges
30 seconds fast feet
10x Burpees
30 seconds fast feet
5 inchworms to superman hold
30 seconds fast feet
10x Tuck crunches