Friday 24th April
Technique Classes this week are Weightlifting on Thurs & Sat

20x Plank position, jump feet to hands (like a burpee) then jump them back again.
15 second Frog stand
20x Plank position, jump feet to hands (like a burpee) then jump them back again.
15 second Headstand, feet tucked in
20x Plank position, jump feet to hands (like a burpee) then jump them back again.
15 second Headstand to straight legs if possible
*scale to Pike Holds if required
Metcon (Time)
5 RFT:
10x Inverse or Bent Over Row
15x Lateral Burpees Over a thing

5 RFT:
10x Inverse or Bent Over Row
10x Lateral Burpees Over a thing

So many things to think about, so many options, so much going on.
So inverse or bent over row, the bent over row will need a fairly decent weight, you can do this 1 handed or 2 handed depeninding on what you have to hand, the backpack that you have lying around with all the wieght in it will be ideal, you can use the straps which will mean you get a larger range of motion as your pesky chest won’t get in the way. Single handed will work if you have a KB or DB of the appropriate weight lying around, for the 1 handed version you can do 5 each hand every round. Inverse rows, we are constantly trying to find new ways to do this, we have the under table option, the broom handle across 2 chairs, we can tie a towel off around banister poles or we can tie 2 towels together at 1 end, throw it over a door and close the door on it. Many, many options prevail, if you can think of any others please send videos, the more the merrier.
Burpees over a thing, the thing can be literally anything, the hurdle idea works perfectly, 4 cans, 1 spoon, but if you have a willing partner that will lie still and trusts you then they can be employed as well, the lateral burpee means you do not have to stand up between reps, you can go fast and get those lungs a burning.
Push yourself on this one, the burpees will get sad fast but you need to keep pushing, we’ve been doing so many burpees since lockdown I can’t but imagine you’re all so much more comfortable with them now. "