For Time:
Overhead Squats
*scale HSPU to a form of pike
Short, fast and nasty, which coincidentally is the name of Ryan’s sex tape. 21-15-9 is always a sprint, so you have to be clever and scale this appropriately. If you don’t have somewhere to do kipping HSPU and you’re going strict for the WOD you should have a comfortable 3 sets of 7 from the start, otherwise this is going to take a very, very long time. The times we’re looking for are fast, sub 4 for the fastest, so that’s the times you should be aiming for. For strict you can scale the number of reps or even scale to the Pike Push up, which I think we can all agree is bloody awful.
So HSPU will go kipping, strict, PPU on a box, PPU on the floor and PPU with your knees on a box, try to stay away from pushups as a scale, we’re working different muscles.
Your overhead squats can be done with an empty barbell if you have one or a broomstick if you don’t, stay away from DB or KB, this is not about the weight you have over you head but about how you move with both hands locked out over your head, if you struggle with this there are many mobility classes on our Member’s Hub, please use them.
If you have been doing CrossFit for more than 6 months, I will be kind and excluded lockdown from this time frame, then you should be coming in solidly under 6 minutes, if not you have let your delicate ego drag you down. Fear not, we will be back in the gym soon and my voice is very well rested and louder than ever.
60s jump squats
60s Z-press with pvc
OHS Warmup
10 Perfect Air Squats
10 OHS with pvc – 5 above parallel – 5 below
10 OHS reverse grip with pvc