Thursday 9th July

2 rounds
10 Reverse Lunges
10 Lateral Lunges/side
15 Hip Bridges
15 Stiff Leg Sumo Deadlifts – light weight

It’s a weird strength one today, your superset will be all done on the left leg first, your next superset will be done on the right, this gives you a chance to exhause one side whilst the other recovers, it’s going to get a bit nippy but that’s what we’re here for, right?

Super set 3 rounds all movements on left leg then move to right leg

A.10x Bulgarian Split Squats
10x SLDL
10x SL Hip Bridge Left side

B. 3×20 alt Lateral Lunge Weighted rest 30s between sets

Finsiher: 2 min Glute Bridge Banded March
Rest 3 minutes then repeat

A. Bulgarian split squats are literally the worst thing in the world, you don’t need weight for these, if you control your descent for a 2 or 3 count then the eccentric load will be more than enough to make you cry, bonus is you will also be getting a sweet, sweet stretch at the same time. If you have weight and want to use it feel free, suitcase, goblet or front rack, it all works. Single leg deadlift can again be done without weight, its all about controlling that eccentric, don’t reach for the ground, keep your lats as tight as you can, don’t let your shoulders round, if you don’t come down to the floor then that’s fine, you are coming as low as your balance and flexibility will allow, if you have weight then try to hold it in 2 hands to keep it as central as possible. These should be performed slowly and under complete control, don’t try to rush because your balance is shit, pay attention to your body and try to improve instead. Just a thought.
Single leg hip bridge should be done unloaded, think about pulling your belly button into your spine and try to squeeze your bum as hard as physically possible, fight to get those hips as high as possible.
B. Your wonderful lateral lunges, 3×20, so 10 per side, keep your feet flat on the ground, don’t come up onto your toes, don’t let your knee come further than your ankle, exactly the same as a lunge, you can load up with front rack, back rack or goblet for these, sandbag bearhug will work as well. Try to keep your chest up as high as possible, the more you lean forward the more you’re going to feel this in your lower back. When you’re done with your 20 there is a brief 30 second rest then back in, bear this in mind when you are choosing the weight to go at.
For a finisher it’s a 2 minute banded glut march, if you don’t have a band then it’s just a glut march. 2 minutes of constant work, this should be burny. When you’re done rest 3 minutes then we go again. Now, now no complaining, everyone loves a perky bum.