A. Heaviest hang snatch for the day.

B. 7min AMRAP

Ascending ladder 3-6-9-12-15 etc..

Thrusters @65% of A.

Pull ups

Post load and reps to comments.

Remember this Sunday at 1pm we have the Paleo Challenge seminar!  This will last about 90minutes and will outline the entire challenge, the science behind paleo and offer you the opportunity to pick our brains on the reasons why one should try this way of eating.

Next weekend we have Helen and Jonny visiting from RCFNI the weekend will focus on the Olympic lifts, Jonny and Helzy have been members of coachB’s European staff for a number of years and there is little they do not know about weightlifting.  If you are keen to learn, brush up on your lifting technique and learning how to program to optimise your performance for upcoming events then this should not be missed!