3 RFT:
10x power clean @62.5
5 burpees
10x shoulder to overhead @62.5
5 C2B pull ups
Post time to comments.

This weekend there is a weightlifting seminar running on both days at CrossFit Glasgow from 9-4.30. This means there will be no WODs running. The gym will be open for use from 8am on both days for just an hour but please be prompt. For those of you attending, the format will be fairly typical of seminars, multiple short breaks and a longer one for lunch. It will be a fairly organic format spending time where interest is highest allowing for you to decide the areas you want covered.
Friday will be the final Paleo Challenge Cycle 4 test: Fran. So Paleo Spartans make it along! Also if we haven’t taken your measurements yet please get in touch ASAP.