Wednesday evening 6:15-8:15 – Gladiator Weightlifting club will be in the gym. Come in and watch/train and learn!
Thursday evening 7pm – Parkour Class, this will run alongside the normal WODs and is free for all to try out. Please declare your interest in comments, so far only Mat and Lauren have said they will do it, if we do not get the numbers this class may not continue.
Bench Press 10-10-10-10
5 rounds of:
1min / 30s Dead hang
1min / 30s Handstand
Today is about strength and skill, develop your grip for pull-ups which will continue all week and get used to being upside-down to help you on the way to those handstand press-ups!
We just had our first capacity class at 7:15 this morning! Please ensure you book in for classes online to help us maintain the high standard of coaching which you are all accustomed to.