Power Snatch: 2-2-2-2-2-2
Back Squat: 5 x 5
On the 18th and 19th of October CFG will be hosting the CrossFit Powerlifting Trainer course with Shane and Laura Sweatt of CrossFit Conjugate and Westside Barbell.
When I attended the course last year I was really impressed by the level of knowledge demonstrated by the staff and was surprised by some of the stances that they took on athletic development, injury prevention/restoration and the historic underpinnings of what has made Westside Barbell the world’s premier Powerlifting destination. The fact that the Conjugate method underpins the strength acquisition component of the majority of decent competitive CrossFit programs is no accident.
CrossFit Conjugate’s team “Conjugate Black” finished second overall in the team division of the 2014 Crossfit Games after only one year of affiliation while Laura Sweatt, powerlifting competitor and coach, has been hailed as the world’s strongest ever woman. Together with Shane, they represent the best opportunity to gain the deeper understanding of the Conjugate method that has made Westside Barbell the world leader in competitive powerlifting. This is a not-to-be-missed opportunity for both aspiring CrossFit competitors and coaches.
Check out the course details here