3x Rounds to accumulate max repetitions
60 seconds Max Axle Bar Deadlift
60 seconds Rest
60 seconds Max Kcal Row
60 seconds Rest
60 seconds Max STOH (Standard Bar)
60 seconds Rest
Advanced: 100/70kg DL: 60/40kg STOH
Intermediate: 80/50kgDL; 35/25STOH
Scaled: As required
Strength Training as Therapeutic Exercise
Professor Lon Kilgore of Killustrated.com, CrossFit CEU content provider and co-author of Starting Strength (among numerous other accolades) has arranged for a Professor Scotty Butcher to deliver a practical workshop on Strength Training as Therapeutic Exercise on Friday the 17th of October at 14.00 – this session is free to attend and will take place instead of the 13.15 WOD that day. Please contact one of the CFG staff to register.
Professor Scotty Butcher – “Dr. Scotty” is an educator, physical therapist, coach, and researcher. With a background
in rugby, wrestling, and football, as well as high performance coaching, his experience with high-intensity resistance
and interval training were very important in forming his beliefs around exercise prescription for optimal function in
any clientele. Dr. Butcher’s over fifteen years of professional experience as a physical therapist ranges from work with
elite athletics to chronic disease rehabilitation with the common theme of exercise prescription. A professor in
Physical Therapy at the University of Saskatchewan, he brings his passion for exercise into his teaching, research, and
strength and conditioning advising. He is co-director of the Integrative Clinical Exercise Physiology research
laboratory at the University of Saskatchewan which focuses on applications of high-intensity interval training and
strength training in healthy adults, athletes, and various clinical populations. Dr. Scotty is an industry leader in quality
exercise prescription, has presented at local, national, and international conferences, and has published several peer
reviewed articles, book chapters, and reviews related to exercise testing and prescription. Heis a co-founder of two
commercial fitness companies, an avid strength trainer, he uses HIIT personally and currently dabbles in competitive
powerlifting and CrossFit. He has a PhD in Experimental Medicine and Exercise Physiology, and MSc in Kinesiology
and Strength Training, BScPT in Physical Therapy. He is a Licensed Physical Therapist, an NSCA Certified Strength and
Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), and an ACSM Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist (RCEP).
CFG will host Scotland’s first ever CrossFit Powerlifting Trainer course on the 18th and 19th of October with Shane and Laura Sweatt of CrossFit Conjugate and Westside Barbell.
CrossFit Conjugate’s team “Conjugate Black” finished second overall in the team division of the 2014 Crossfit Games after only one year of affiliation while Laura Sweatt, powerlifting competitor and coach, has been hailed as the world’s strongest ever woman. Together with Shane, they represent the best opportunity to gain the deeper understanding of the Conjugate method that has made Westside Barbell the world leader in competitive powerlifting. This is a not-to-be-missed opportunity for both aspiring CrossFit competitors and coaches.
Check out the course details here