Workout of the Day
A. 1RM axle bar sumo deadlift
B. Alternating emom (15mins):
1. 15 heavy wallballs 30/20
2. 15 banded goodmornings
3. 15 abmat situps
Scale reps appropriately to fit inside of a minute.
Tuesday 19.15 – Olympic weightlifting is on in place of the WOD. Costs just £3 per person and runs for an hour. You do not need to be a member of CFG to attend.
Thursday 19.15 – weightlifting is on again but the regular WOD will be on as well. Same price applies.
Saturday and Sunday – the gym will be closed due to the CrossFit Level 1 Seminar. If you want to come in early (0600-0800) to train then please have a word with Gavin or Iain.