Workout of the Day

Paired Relay
10 thrusters 60/40
10 power cleans
400m run
8 rounds for time.

Weightlifting: Tuesday and Thursday at 19:30.  This class costs just £3 and is taught by Colette Will.  You do not need to be a member of CFG to attend.

CrossFit Kids: Saturday 11:15 – for more information please email or visit this link

Girls WOD: Saturday 11:15.  This class is for women only counts as a gym visit for members, if you plan on bringing a friend please let us know in advance.

Flexibility : Sunday 10:00.  This class costs just £4 and you do not need to be a member of CFG to attend.  Taught by Khi it incorporates stretches and mobility exercises from many different sources with an aim of improving range of motion and exercise performance.

A huge congratulations to CFG athletes and coaches Steph Dekker and Nisha Purewal for their outstanding efforts at the British Championships this weekend.  Despite her ropes breaking in one of the WODs Steph finished first overall and Nisha finished ninth!  This is what the competitor cell is all about and it’s great to see their hard work paying off!


CFG Community Shield

When we first started CrossFit almost 10 years ago the only real aim was to become a better version of yourself. Attached to that was a sense that everyone was chasing the same goal and did so as a wider network of like-minded individuals forming an inclusive and supportive community. In many ways the social aspect was as important as the fitness and it was this that gave us the passion and drive to make this our chosen profession for the past 8 years.

In recent years, as the Sport of Fitness has grown exponentially across the globe; CrossFit has been altered in some ways from what we originally understood it to be. In particular, the emphasis on competition has changed in scope in such a way that communities, including our own, have been divided by those who can and those who can’t quite yet. Although, there absolutely exists a practical requirement to separate ability levels for those who wish to progress a competitive level of training; it has nonetheless taken something away from our community as a whole. CrossFit was always intended to be broad, inclusive, infinitely scalable and above all community-driven.

With this in mind we have created an event for the members of CrossFit Glasgow to rebuild the bonds of the community and to reunite the two tiers of programming with a single common purpose of throwing down, having fun and testing the fitness that we have worked so hard to achieve.

The ‘CFG Community Shield” is our own in-house competition for all members to participate in. There will be no exorbitant entry fees, no qualifiers, no video submissions,  no judges, and scaling options to help get everyone into the mix. This is an event where the last to finish get the loudest cheer. Teams that finish will crowd round those still working and support them all the way across the line. Athletes will register to participate and will be allocated to form evenly balanced inclusive teams incorporating athletes of all ability and experience levels. The emphasis at all times will be on what you can do as a team, not as an individual.

There will be only one prize on offer – the community spirit award. Chest bumps and high 5s will be mandatory, baked goods will be encouraged, beers will be available.

The comp will go down on Saturday the 1st of August and is open to the whole community. Any enquiries should be directed to We will accept contributions of £5 to help support Ross Park’s charity bike ride for Yorkhill Hospital.

Get Involved.