Workout of the Day
In order to get through the numbers for 16.2 we will have the main class in Arch 2 today – business as usual tomorrow.
Fight Gone Bad/Fight Gone Bad Championship
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a 5-minute round after which a 1-minute break is allowed before repeating.
3 rounds for FGB. 5 rounds for FGB Championship
The stations are:
- Wall-ball shots: 20-lb. ball, 10-ft. target (score reps)
- Sumo deadlift high pulls: 35/25kg (score reps)
- Box jumps: 20-in. box (score reps)
- Push presses: 35/25kg (score reps)
- Rowing (score calories)
The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On a call of “rotate,” the athletes must immediately move to the next station for a good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower, where each calorie is 1 point.
Weightlifting is on tomorrow with Colette at 19.30. Make use of her knowledge now that the Open is underway
Kids is back this Saturday at 11.15 with the usual gang.
Girls WOD will be on at the same time as the Kids WOD with Level 1 Trainer Jen Berg
The Open – Logistics and stuff
Here’s roughly how it will run today:
You come in at the normal WOD times and a warm up and brief will be given as normal. Depending on numbers you may be allocated to a heat.
Half of the people participating will be carrying out the workout; the other half will be judging (counting reps and checking standards). Once you have finished judging your buddy, return your clipboard etc to the judging area and then go get set up for your heat. If you have just finished a heat, be prepared to return the favour of judging your buddy. Judging the movement standard to the best of your ability is imperative for keeping the spirit of the competition alive – if you are not prepared to uphold the basic movement standards as described in the workout description, please ask another member to judge in your stead.
You may complete 16.2 outside of the normal times but please be aware that there might be nobody available to judge you at that time – bring a buddy. Better yet, make it in for one of the scheduled classes and soak up the atmosphere.
You are welcome to bring cakes, sweets, balloons, fancy dress, a strong sense of irony, sparkling wines etc. Be on time, be patient and give it your best shot.
Turn up, throw down, have fun: don’t be a d**k.
Reebok CrossFit Games Open 2016 – Team Update
We cannot thank everyone enough for signing up. The turnout has been truly amazing – 216 athletes at the last count. This places us as an unprecedented 3rd place worldwide on strength of numbers. This is CFG’s largest ever team; beating last year’s numbers by 3.
The massive turnout from the members of CFG has made us a prominent force in European CrossFit and now, on the main stage in front of the world. This year, at the time the roster closed, we were the largest team in Europe for the fourth year in a row. Reebok have said that they will make us exclusive, limited edition, can’t get them anywhere, CFG tee shirts. The art work is being finalised and will be sent to Reebok for approval shortly.
Standby for the video article on CrossFit Glasgow and our amazing community.
We owe you a huge debt of gratitude. Our heartfelt thanks go out to you all for putting us here.