Workout of the Day
3 rounds, each for time of:
4x Jerks 85/56kg
5x Front Squats 85/56kg
6x Power Cleans 85/56kg
40x Pull-ups
50x Push-ups
60x Sit-ups
Rest 3 minutes between rounds.
We will do this as 3x 12 minute AMRAPs scaled appropriately so that you stand the best chance of completing each round within the time cap. If you finish before the 12 min cap: note your time and savour the additional rest.
Brian Woehlke, 29, of Detroit, Michigan, died at the scene of a fire in Westland, Michigan, on May 8, 2013. Woehlke graduated from the Schoolcraft Fire Program in 2008 and joined the Western Wayne Fire Authority in 2012.
He is survived by his wife, Jennifer; daughter, Ava; parents, William and Elizabeth; brothers, William, Robert and Bradley; and numerous other friends and family members.
Kids, Weightlifting and Girls WOD will be off this weekend as CFG host another Level 1 Trainer course. Apologies for any inconvenience.
Reebok CrossFit Games Open 2016 – Team Update
So that is the 2016 Reebok CrossFit Games Open in the books. We hope that you all had as much fun as we did and have learned a lot about yourselves on this path to being a fitter stronger version of yourselves. Thank you all for your patience, kindness and enthusiasm. Thanks to everyone who helped to judge, set up, clear up or generally just organise – we had such a huge task in front of us and it was entirely due to your help that we managed to get through the huge volume of athletes that we did. Thank you for creating the best atmosphere ever and for making this massive event as special as we hoped that it would be. Both Iain and I have had many generous words of gratitude from you all, both public and private, but we have always maintained that it is not us, the credentials that we hold or the equipment that we have that makes CFG such an amazing place; it is you, our community, that have achieved all of this and so long as we stand together we will continue to provide you with the very best that we are able.
We would like to thank everyone enough for signing up again. The turnout has been truly amazing – 216 athletes at the last count. This places us as an unprecedented 3rd place worldwide on strength of numbers. This is CFG’s largest ever team; beating last year’s numbers by 3.
The massive turnout from the members of CFG has made us a prominent force in European CrossFit and now, on the main stage in front of the world. This year, at the time the roster closed, we were the largest team in Europe for the fourth year in a row. Reebok have said that they will make us exclusive, limited edition, can’t get them anywhere, CFG tee shirts. The art work is with the Reebok UK rep and we will keep you posted on developments here.
Standby for the video article on CrossFit Glasgow and our amazing community.
We owe you a huge debt of gratitude – you have made a couple of old guys with some pretty grand ideas very happy. Our heartfelt thanks go out to you all for putting us where we have fought to be.