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"3 Rounds – scale to knees or arm of couch if required
3 Diamond Pushups
3 Regular Pushups
3 Wide Pushups
I know this is a lot of pushups in the warm up but have you seen this WOD, it’s all pushing.
Once you have sorted out your scaling options, gotten everything together and you are good to go we are going to take a short 5 minute rest to let you fully recover, you may use this time to abuse your coach and fellow CFG members. "
Metcon (Time)
Push ups
Push ups
21-15-9 or 15-12-9
Z-Press or Pike Pushups
Dips to arm of couch
Pushups from knees
JT was CrossFit’s very first Hero WOD, going all the way back to Wednesday July 6 2005. It’s an oldie but a goodie.
This is a very clever little WOD, we are going to be working the pressing movements but hitting up all the angles, switching from delts to pecs and back again whilst keeping up a constant pressure on those lovely little triceps of yours. 21-15-9 would normally indicate that this is a sprint, whereas this is far from that, you are looking at anything from 7-20 minutes, depending on how your arms hold up. Never go to failure, always stop whilst you have something left in the tank because once you fail at one movement everything else will suffer, there really is no rest for those arms of yours.
HSPU can be strict or kipping, you can scale this be popping a book under your head or we can move to Pike pushups or even feet inclined pushups. If you have any weights at home you could even change this to Z-Press. The dips can be done at the corner of a counter, if that’s too difficult you can add in a toe spot, if that too difficult you can pop a chair or a sofa behind you and do dips that way with your feet on the ground. Push ups will be push ups either regular or on the knees.
Please make sure there’s someone in the house to help you get undressed and dressed for the next day or 2 because your arms are going to be like jelly after this. "