Monday 10th August

3 rounds
5 Straight arm Burpees
7 Squat Jumps
Metcon (Time)

5 RFT:
15x Wallballs or DB Thrusters
10x Pull-ups or Inverse Rows
5 RFT:
10x Wallballs or DB Thrusters
10x Inverse Rows or Bent Over Rows

“This is a quick little workout to get you all back into the game after a weekend of sunshine and no doubt a few social drinks! Wallballs – if you have a medball this is your time to shine, if not then DB Thrusters which can be single arm (8 one side, 7 the other) if you only have 1 DB. If you have no equipment then a loaded backpack or odd object works well or simply tuck jumps – you’re welcome!
Pull-ups. Find something safe to pull yourself up to if you don’t have a bar, failing that get into the inverse rows with a sheet knotted and stuck into a door (triple check it is secure before you trust your body weight to it!) or there is always a bent over row with your weight/odd object.
Looking for minimal rest on this wod so get to it – get sweaty and have fun!”