Friday 14th August

3 Burpees
3 High Jumps (dip to jump)
3 Tuck Jumps
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

5x Devil’s Press
10x Box Jumps / Jump Overs
15x TTKB
3x Devil’s Press
10x Box Jumps / Jump Overs
10x TTKB

“A delightful end to the working week, just 10 minutes, nothing truly terrible can last 10 minutes.
5 Devil’s Press, these can be done with 1 or 2 DB, you could even do these as a burpee into an American kettlebell swing, there’s a lot of scope. Please be aware that if you are not bracing your abs for the entirety of the movement, although most especially on the return from overhead, there is a very real chance all the blood in your body will go to your lower back and cause you considerable discomfort, abs people, they’re there for a reason.
10 box jumps or 10 jump overs, box jump is that, can be done on the rickety box you crafted from bits of wood in a skip, the convenient decking in your bakc garden or on your stairs, jump overs will need you to set something up to jump over, obviously, something challenging but not terrifying.
15 toes to kettlebell, we you don’t actually need a kettlebell, you could use a sofa, a willing partner, even a lamp post, something you can keep a tight hold on overhead whilst you’re lying down, these can get a little nippy, especially if you’ve blown your back up on the Devil’s Press, so don’t try to reach further than your flexibility allows, you don’t want your arse over your head just so you can touch your hands with your toes, once you can feel your abs you’ve gone far enough. “