WOD Wednesday 17th May 2016
Workout of the Day 1 minute of hang squat cleans 20kg 1 minute of burpees 1 minute of toes-to-bar 2 minutes of hang squat cleans 20kg 2 minutes of burpees 2 minutes of toes-to-bars 1 minute of hang squat cleans 20kg 1 minute of burpees 1 minute of toes-to-bar Score total reps completed Information Weightlifting is on tomorrow night at 1930. This is an additional class laid on by Colette to develop mastery of the Olympic lifts. It costs £3 per session and is open to both members and non members of CFG alike. It does not count as a normal member class - if you attend on a 3x per week basis and attend one of these sessions, you have not lost a WOD. Girls WOD will be on this Saturday Flexibility is on this Sunday at 10am – Khi has some of the best movement patterns in the gym for the 9 foundational movements – learn from the master. Seminars CrossFit Glasgow are proud hosts of the CrossFit Gymnastics Level 1 seminar this June. This seminar is widely regarded as one of the best available. It allows both athletes and coaches to develop a powerful set of tools to scale and progress some of CrossFit’s most challenging movements. You do not need to hold a Level 1 Trainer Certificate to attend and you certainly don’t require one to benefit from the expert tuition of world-renowned gymnastics coaches. There is no pre-requisite knowledge or ability level required to benefit from this rare opportunity. Get Involved. The Gymnastics [...]