About Gavin Heselton

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So far Gavin Heselton has created 449 blog entries.

WOD Wednesday 23rd March 2016

By |2016-03-23T00:23:48+00:00March 23rd, 2016|WOD|

Workout of the Day In 3s For time, Conga style 3 Rounds: Row 500m 25x Thrusters 20/15kg 15x Pull Ups Information Weightlifting is on this Thursday with Colette at 19.30. Make use of her knowledge now that the Open is underway Kids is back this Saturday at 11.15 with the usual gang. Girls WOD will be on this Saturday for opportunities to attempt the Open workout The end of Open party for all of our members will take place this Saturday evening and will take place at Lounge 57 in town. We will be closed on Sunday for the Easter holiday but will be Open all day Monday to accommodate the numbers getting through 16.5. Reebok CrossFit Games Open 2016 – Team Update We cannot thank everyone enough for signing up. The turnout has been truly amazing – 216 athletes at the last count. This places us as an unprecedented 3rd place worldwide on strength of numbers. This is CFG’s largest ever team; beating last year’s numbers by 3. The massive turnout from the members of CFG has made us a prominent force in European CrossFit and now, on the main stage in front of the world. This year, at the time the roster closed, we were the largest team in Europe for the fourth year in a row. Reebok have said that they will make us exclusive, limited edition, can’t get them anywhere, CFG tee shirts. Art work is now with the Reebok UK rep for approval. Standby for the CrossFit.com video article on CrossFit Glasgow and our amazing community. We owe you a [...]

WOD Tuesday 21st March 2016

By |2016-03-21T22:33:24+00:00March 21st, 2016|WOD|

Workout of the Day A. 1-1-1-1-1 Bench B. In Pairs: AMRAP10 You Go I Go 1 complete round of 5x Med Ball Push Jerks 6x Med Ball Squat Cleans 7x Ab Mat Sit Ups https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nk0GqeSTJs&list=PLdWvFCOAvyr1qc8qW8DU4NSB7KnWqqInj&index=9 Information Weightlifting is on tonight with Colette at 19.30. Make use of her knowledge now that the Open is underway Kids is back this Saturday at 11.15 with the usual gang. Girls WOD will be on this Saturday for opportunities to attempt the Open workout Reebok CrossFit Games Open 2016 – Team Update We cannot thank everyone enough for signing up. The turnout has been truly amazing – 216 athletes at the last count. This places us as an unprecedented 3rd place worldwide on strength of numbers. This is CFG’s largest ever team; beating last year’s numbers by 3. The massive turnout from the members of CFG has made us a prominent force in European CrossFit and now, on the main stage in front of the world. This year, at the time the roster closed, we were the largest team in Europe for the fourth year in a row. Reebok have said that they will make us exclusive, limited edition, can’t get them anywhere, CFG tee shirts. Art work is now with the Reebok UK rep for approval. Standby for the CrossFit.com video article on CrossFit Glasgow and our amazing community. We owe you a huge debt of gratitude. Our heartfelt thanks go out to you all for putting us here. #weareCFG

WOD Monday 21st March 2016

By |2016-03-20T22:07:13+00:00March 20th, 2016|WOD|

Workout of the Day 24 min Alternating EMOM: 16x over the box jumps 24/20" 16x American swings @24/16kg 16x OH lunges @25kg/20kg Try to work through the full volume saving around 10 seconds at the end of each minute for recovery. With the Open competition almost in the books for 2016 we are already getting questions about "what more can I do". Click on the image above for some wise words from a seasoned competitor. Information Weightlifting is on tomorrow night with Colette at 19.30. Make use of her knowledge now that the Open is underway Kids is back this Saturday at 11.15 with the usual gang. Girls WOD will be on this Saturday with Level 2 Trainer Iain Barbour for opportunities to attempt the Open workout Reebok CrossFit Games Open 2016 – Team Update We cannot thank everyone enough for signing up. The turnout has been truly amazing – 216 athletes at the last count. This places us as an unprecedented 3rd place worldwide on strength of numbers. This is CFG’s largest ever team; beating last year’s numbers by 3. The massive turnout from the members of CFG has made us a prominent force in European CrossFit and now, on the main stage in front of the world. This year, at the time the roster closed, we were the largest team in Europe for the fourth year in a row. Reebok have said that they will make us exclusive, limited edition, can’t get them anywhere, CFG tee shirts. Art work is nearing the final stages. Standby for the CrossFit.com video article on CrossFit Glasgow [...]

Open WOD 16.4 Friday 18th March 2016

By |2016-03-17T20:00:32+00:00March 17th, 2016|WOD|

Workout of the Day – 16.4 TBC – Wildly Speculate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9b6mMMMEug Information Weightlifting is cancelled this Saturday morning in order to accommodate the extra heats required to get our massive team through all the heats Kids is back this Saturday at 11.15 with the usual gang. Girls WOD will be on this Saturday with Level 2 Trainer Iain Barbour for opportunities to attempt the Open workout The Open – Logistics and stuff Here’s roughly how it will run today: You come in at the normal WOD times and a warm up and brief will be given as normal. Depending on numbers you may be allocated to a heat. Half of the people participating will be carrying out the workout; the other half will be judging (counting reps and checking standards). Once you have finished judging your buddy, return your clipboard etc to the judging area and then go get set up for your heat. If you have just finished a heat, be prepared to return the favour of judging your buddy. Judging the movement standard to the best of your ability is imperative for keeping the spirit of the competition alive – if you are not prepared to uphold the basic movement standards as described in the workout description, please ask another member to judge in your stead. You may complete 16.4 outside of the normal times but please be aware that there might be nobody available to judge you at that time – bring a buddy. Better yet, make it in for one of the scheduled classes and soak [...]

WOD Thursday 17th March 2016

By |2016-03-16T23:22:11+00:00March 16th, 2016|WOD|

Workout of the Day Run 1,600 meters Rest 3 minutes Run 1,200 meters Rest 2 minutes Run 800 meters Rest 1 minute Run 400 meters Cherry Picking - Some thoughts Today's WOD might not look fun: it has limited skill; there are no gymnastics; there is no sexy barbell stuff. You don't get to chalk up, put on your knee sleeves, kinesio tape, wrist wraps, headband etc. It's just you and the workout. Running is every bit a part of your general fitness - humans are bipedal predators, massively dependent on locomotion as a necessary part of life and proficiency in running is therefore a highly desirable trait for a human being. Running is a functional movement on a par with squatting, deadlifting and pressing and best showcases our ability to move large loads, long distances quickly. Many of you will see running and think: "I'm s**t at running; so I'm not going to bother" - you need the volume and the practice. Spend some time on your feet and set some scores for future reference. "I'm a good runner; I won't get much out of this" - you will arguably benefit most - the intensity will be raised significantly by competing against the others and you will get to test what you can really do. This should not be fun (until afterwards) and you should be genuinely afraid at times that your heart might burst. Also, don't worry if you're injured and can't run. You can row.   Information [...]

WOD Wednesday 16th March 2016

By |2016-03-15T21:53:40+00:00March 15th, 2016|WOD|

Workout of the Day 3 Rounds for time of: 20 Wall Ball Shots 20/14lbs 10 Hang Power Cleans 50/30kg Information Weightlifting is on this Thursday with Colette at 19.30. Make use of her knowledge now that the Open is underway Kids is back this Saturday at 11.15 with the usual gang. Girls WOD will be off this Saturday but there will be opportunities to attempt the Open workout Reebok CrossFit Games Open 2016 – Team Update We cannot thank everyone enough for signing up. The turnout has been truly amazing – 216 athletes at the last count. This places us as an unprecedented 3rd place worldwide on strength of numbers. This is CFG’s largest ever team; beating last year’s numbers by 3. The massive turnout from the members of CFG has made us a prominent force in European CrossFit and now, on the main stage in front of the world. This year, at the time the roster closed, we were the largest team in Europe for the fourth year in a row. Reebok have said that they will make us exclusive, limited edition, can’t get them anywhere, CFG tee shirts. Art work is nearing the final stages. Standby for the CrossFit.com video article on CrossFit Glasgow and our amazing community. We owe you a huge debt of gratitude. Our heartfelt thanks go out to you all for putting us here. #weareCFG

WOD Tuesday 15th March 2016

By |2016-03-14T23:42:41+00:00March 14th, 2016|WOD|

Workout of the Day 1-1-1-1-1 Back Squat Information Weightlifting is on tonight with Colette at 19.30. Make use of her knowledge now that the Open is underway Kids is back this Saturday at 11.15 with the usual gang. Girls WOD will be off this Saturday but there will be opportunities to attempt the Open workout Reebok CrossFit Games Open 2016 – Team Update We cannot thank everyone enough for signing up. The turnout has been truly amazing – 216 athletes at the last count. This places us as an unprecedented 3rd place worldwide on strength of numbers. This is CFG’s largest ever team; beating last year’s numbers by 3. The massive turnout from the members of CFG has made us a prominent force in European CrossFit and now, on the main stage in front of the world. This year, at the time the roster closed, we were the largest team in Europe for the fourth year in a row. Reebok have said that they will make us exclusive, limited edition, can’t get them anywhere, CFG tee shirts. Art work is nearing the final stages. Standby for the CrossFit.com video article on CrossFit Glasgow and our amazing community. We owe you a huge debt of gratitude. Our heartfelt thanks go out to you all for putting us here. #weareCFG

WOD Monday 14th March 2016

By |2016-03-13T23:13:34+00:00March 13th, 2016|WOD|

Workout of the Day In 3s Conga Style: Row 750m 20x Power Cleans 60/40kg 20x Burpees Row 500m 15x Power Cleans 60/40kg 15x Burpees Row 250m 10x Power Cleans 60/40kg 10x Burpees Or 16.3 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of: 10 power snatches 3 bar muscle-ups Information Weightlifting is on tomorrow night with Colette at 19.30. Make use of her knowledge now that the Open is underway Kids is back this Saturday at 11.15 with the usual gang. Girls WOD will be off this Saturday but there will be opportunities to attempt the Open workout The Open – Logistics and stuff Here’s roughly how it will run today: You come in at the normal WOD times and a warm up and brief will be given as normal. Depending on numbers you may be allocated to a heat. Half of the people participating will be carrying out the workout; the other half will be judging (counting reps and checking standards). Once you have finished judging your buddy, return your clipboard etc to the judging area and then go get set up for your heat. If you have just finished a heat, be prepared to return the favour of judging your buddy. Judging the movement standard to the best of your ability is imperative for keeping the spirit of the competition alive – if you are not prepared to uphold the basic movement standards as described in the workout description, please ask another member to judge in your stead. You may complete 16.3 outside of the normal [...]

Open WOD 16.3 Friday 11th March 2016

By |2016-03-10T22:19:40+00:00March 10th, 2016|WOD|

Workout of the Day – 16.1 TBC – Wildly Speculate Information Weightlifting is cancelled this Saturday morning in order to accommodate the extra heats required to get our massive team through all the heats Kids is back this Saturday at 11.15 with the usual gang. Girls WOD will be off this Saturday but there will be opportunities to attempt the Open workout The Open – Logistics and stuff Here’s roughly how it will run today: You come in at the normal WOD times and a warm up and brief will be given as normal. Depending on numbers you may be allocated to a heat. Half of the people participating will be carrying out the workout; the other half will be judging (counting reps and checking standards). Once you have finished judging your buddy, return your clipboard etc to the judging area and then go get set up for your heat. If you have just finished a heat, be prepared to return the favour of judging your buddy. Judging the movement standard to the best of your ability is imperative for keeping the spirit of the competition alive – if you are not prepared to uphold the basic movement standards as described in the workout description, please ask another member to judge in your stead. You may complete 16.3 outside of the normal times but please be aware that there might be nobody available to judge you at that time – bring a buddy. Better yet, make it in for one of the scheduled classes and soak up the atmosphere. [...]

WOD Thursday 10th March 2016

By |2016-03-09T22:10:18+00:00March 9th, 2016|WOD|

Workout of the Day "Cindy" AMRAP20 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats Information Weightlifting is on tonight with Colette at 19.30. Make use of her knowledge now that the Open is underway Kids is back this Saturday at 11.15 with the usual gang. Girls WOD will be off this Saturday but there will be opportunities to attempt the Open workout Reebok CrossFit Games Open 2016 – Team Update We cannot thank everyone enough for signing up. The turnout has been truly amazing – 216 athletes at the last count. This places us as an unprecedented 3rd place worldwide on strength of numbers. This is CFG’s largest ever team; beating last year’s numbers by 3. The massive turnout from the members of CFG has made us a prominent force in European CrossFit and now, on the main stage in front of the world. This year, at the time the roster closed, we were the largest team in Europe for the fourth year in a row. Reebok have said that they will make us exclusive, limited edition, can’t get them anywhere, CFG tee shirts. The art work is being finalised and will be sent to Reebok for approval shortly. Standby for the CrossFit.com video article on CrossFit Glasgow and our amazing community. We owe you a huge debt of gratitude. Our heartfelt thanks go out to you all for putting us here. #weareCFG

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