WOD Wednesday 29th December 2015
Workout of the Day 30 Minutes As a team (pairs or threes) Max kcal ski Sled Pull (forward) 50/30kg 10 box step ups with KBs in Front Rack (5R/5L) 2x24/2x16kg Sled Drag (Backwards) 50/30kg Max Burpees Athlete 1 begins on ski, Athlete 2 on the sled pull, Athlete 3 on max burpees. All athletes rotate as Athlete 2 completes the sled drag. Athlete 1 to sled pull, Athlete 2 to burpees, Athlete 3 to ski etc. Solo athletes complete 40kcal per round before advancing. Holiday Opening Hours Thursday 31st December: 07.15 – 13.15 Friday 1st January: Closed Saturday 2nd January: Closed Sunday 3rd January: Closed Monday 4th January: Normal Operating Hours restored