WOD Tuesday 1st December 2015
Workout of the Day 11.1 AMRAP10 30x Double Unders 15x Power Snatches 35/25kg Another opportunity to get to grips with this difficult movement pattern and to practice those dreaded double unders. These movements will come together with some persistence, we promise. Olympic Weightlifting is on with Scottish Champion Colette Will tonight at 19.30 in Arch 1. For further exposure to the snatch and clean and jerk under the watchful eyes of one of the UK's best, make sure you get involved. Well done to all of our teams who competed over the weekend. Everyone gave a great account of themselves and represented CFG with the usual standard of discipline and good movements. Good work team! Massive thanks must go to the legend that is John Colquhoun for driving the minibus up and down the country to help transport the massive SiD team and for all his help, encouragement and photographs over the weekend. Thanks John!