About Gavin Heselton

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So far Gavin Heselton has created 449 blog entries.

WOD Thursday 1st December 2016

By |2016-11-30T21:41:40+00:00November 30th, 2016|WOD|

Workout of the Day 10-1 Reps For Time: (10 push ups, 10 cleans, 10 deadlifts, 9 push ups, 9 cleans, 9 deadlifts, 8 push ups... etc) Push Ups Cleans 70/43kg Deadlifts 70/43kg Information CrossFit Kids will be on as normal this week however, due to the weightlifting competition, girls WOD will be cancelled. Apologies for any inconvenience. Flexibility is back with Khi on Sunday at 10:00. Sign up to the CFG newsletter. More news coming soon. Christmas Night Out The CFG Christmas Night Out will be held at Blackfriars on the 16th December. The gym will close a little early (nobody will be there obvy) and we will convene for merriment at around 20.00. Tickets have been made and are now available for purchase.

WOD Wednesday 30th November 2016

By |2016-11-29T22:52:15+00:00November 29th, 2016|WOD|

Workout of the Day For Time: 20x Back Squats 60/40kg Run a mile 20x Back Squats 60/40kg Information CrossFit Kids will be on as normal this week however, due to the weightlifting competition, girls WOD will be cancelled. Apologies for any inconvenience. Flexibility is back with Khi on Sunday at 10:00. Sign up to the CFG newsletter. More news coming soon. Christmas Night Out The CFG Christmas Night Out will be held at Blackfriars on the 16th December. The gym will close a little early (nobody will be there obvy) and we will convene for merriment at around 20.00. Tickets have been made and are now available for purchase.

WOD Tuesday 29th November 2016

By |2016-11-28T23:32:37+00:00November 28th, 2016|WOD|

Workout of the Day For Time: 50kcal Row 40x TTB 30x Power Cleans 50/30kg 100x DUs Information CrossFit Kids will be on as normal this week however, due to the weightlifting competition, girls WOD will be cancelled. Apologies for any inconvenience. Flexibility is back with Khi on Sunday at 10:00. Sign up to the CFG newsletter. More news coming soon. Christmas Night Out The CFG Christmas Night Out will be held at Blackfriars on the 16th December. The gym will close a little early (nobody will be there obvy) and we will convene for merriment at around 20.00. Tickets have been made and are now available for purchase.

WOD Monday 28th November 2016

By |2016-11-27T19:26:01+00:00November 27th, 2016|WOD|

Workout of the Day A. Axle bar speed bench at 40% of 1RM vs doubled micro mini “orange” bands (1RM less than 100kg) or mini “red” bands B. 8 rep top set close grip bench C. 4x 20 bamboo bar bench press D. 100x hollow rocks Information Kids, Weightlifting and Girls WOD will all be back on this week. Flexibility is back with Khi on Sunday at 10:00. Sign up to the CFG newsletter. More news coming soon. Christmas Night Out The CFG Christmas Night Out will be held at Blackfriars on the 16th December. The gym will close a little early (nobody will be there obvy) and we will convene for merriment at around 20.00. Tickets have been made and are now available for purchase.

WOD Friday 25th November 2016

By |2016-11-24T22:32:29+00:00November 24th, 2016|WOD|

Benchmark Friday "CrossFit Games Open: 13.2" 5x STOH 52/34kg 10x Deadlifts 52/34kg 15x Box Jumps 24/20" L-R: Jonny Kilpatrick, Garry McFall, Gary Wilson, Benedict Farrell Information Kids, Weightlifting and Girls WOD will all be back on this week. Flexibility is back with Khi on Sunday at 10:00. Sign up to the CFG newsletter. More news coming soon. Christmas Night Out The CFG Christmas Night Out will be held at Blackfriars on the 16th December. The gym will close a little early (nobody will be there obvy) and we will convene for merriment at around 20.00. Tickets have been made and are now available for purchase.

WOD Thursday 24th November 2016

By |2016-11-23T23:30:35+00:00November 23rd, 2016|WOD|

Workout of the Day 1RM Front Squat L-R: Mark Wilson, Andrew Macmaster, Fabio Cibelli, Gary Wilson, Iain Holland, Andrew Johnstone, Dougie Eatherington, Benedict Farrell Information Kids, Weightlifting and Girls WOD will all be back on this week. Flexibility is back with Khi on Sunday at 10:00. Sign up to the CFG newsletter. More news coming soon. Christmas Night Out The CFG Christmas Night Out will be held at Blackfriars on the 16th December. The gym will close a little early (nobody will be there obvy) and we will convene for merriment at around 20.00. Tickets have been made and are now available for purchase.

WOD Wednesday 23rd November 2016

By |2016-11-23T00:04:46+00:00November 23rd, 2016|WOD|

Workout of the Day 5 Rounds Minute 1: Max Burpees Minute 2: Rest Minute 3: Max Power Cleans 60/40kg Minute 4: Rest Minute 5: Max Ab Mat sit ups Minute 6: Rest L-R: John Fitzpatrick, Craig Heselton, Laura Bennett, Gary Wilson, Iain Barbour, Gavin Heselton, Kenny Frame, Ian Curle, Jani Koskinen. CFG's first CrossFit Games Open - 2012 Information Kids, Weightlifting and Girls WOD will all be back on this week. Flexibility is back with Khi on Sunday at 10:00. Sign up to the CFG newsletter. More news coming soon. Christmas Night Out The CFG Christmas Night Out will be held at Blackfriars on the 16th December. The gym will close a little early (nobody will be there obvy) and we will convene for merriment at around 20.00. Tickets have been made and are now available for purchase.

WOD Tuesday 22nd November 2016

By |2016-11-21T20:29:02+00:00November 21st, 2016|WOD|

Workout of the Day In Pairs 8 minutes to complete: 1600m run Max Reps each of Deadlift 145/90kg (1 attempt each) Then, 10 minutes to complete: 1600m run Max Reps each of Deadlift 100/60kg (1 attempt each) Then, 12 minutes to complete: 1600m run Max Reps each of Deadlift 60/40kg (1 attempt each) Intermediate 8 minutes to complete: 1200m run Max Reps each of Deadlift 120/70kg (1 attempt each) Then, 10 minutes to complete: 1200m run Max Reps each of Deadlift 80/50kg (1 attempt each) Then, 12 minutes to complete: 1200m run Max Reps each of Deadlift 60/40kg (1 attempt each) Scaled As Required Information Kids, Weightlifting and Girls WOD will all be back on this week. Flexibility is back with Khi on Sunday at 10:00. Sign up to the CFG newsletter. More news coming soon. Christmas Night Out The CFG Christmas Night Out will be held at Blackfriars on the 16th December. The gym will close a little early (nobody will be there obvy) and we will convene for merriment at around 20.00. Tickets have been made and are now available for purchase.

WOD Monday 21st November 2016

By |2016-11-20T23:24:30+00:00November 20th, 2016|WOD|

Workout of the Day A. Speed bench rotations with variable grip positions at 50% of 1RM vs doubled micro mini “orange” bands (1RM less than 100kg) or mini “red” bands B. 8 rep top set close grip bench C. 4x 10 Banded Low Rows D. 4x 25 each side BB Side Bends Weightlifting Wonderland There is still time to register for CrossFit Glasgow’s in house Weightlifting competition. It will be held on Saturday 3rd December 2016 and registration is only £5 – pick up a form from the office and get involved. It’s open to competitors of all levels and will be a fun Saturday for all. Registration closes TODAY so don’t delay! Information Kids, Weightlifting and Girls WOD will all be back on this week. Flexibility is back with Khi on Sunday at 10:00. Sign up to the CFG newsletter. More news coming soon. Christmas Night Out The CFG Christmas Night Out will be held at Blackfriars on the 16th December. The gym will close a little early (nobody will be there obvy) and we will convene for merriment at around 20.00. Tickets have been made and are now available for purchase.

WOD Friday 18th November 2016

By |2016-11-17T20:53:00+00:00November 17th, 2016|WOD|

Workout of the Day "Fran" 21-15-9 Thrusters 43/30kg Pull Ups Weightlifting Wonderland There is still time to register for CrossFit Glasgow’s in house Weightlifting competition. It will be held on Saturday 3rd December 2016 and registration is only £5 – pick up a form from the office and get involved. It’s open to competitors of all levels and will be a fun Saturday for all. Registration closes Monday 21st so don’t delay! Information Kids, Weightlifting and Girls WOD will all be back on this week. Flexibility is back with Khi on Sunday at 10:00. Sign up to the CFG newsletter. More news coming soon. Christmas Night Out The CFG Christmas Night Out will be held at Blackfriars on the 16th December. The gym will close a little early (nobody will be there obvy) and we will convene for merriment at around 20.00. Tickets have been made and are now available for purchase.

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