WOD "Nancy" 5RFT Run 400m 15x OHS @ 42.5/30kg The above WOD is what we affectionately refer to as a "sh*ter": It is extremely challenging but gives an opportunity to cover some tekkers and get some exposure to the most heinous of all squats - the overhead squat. I hope that you all managed to submit your scores on time for 14.1. The last weekend has reignited a sense of purpose and community amongst all of the athletes at CFG and I have been extremely proud to bear witness to some exceptional feats of camaraderie from virtually everyone. My most humble thanks once more to all the athletes who have helped us to judge, organise and clear up - it is very much appreciated. It's been a crazy busy few days: I've got a missed call from my mum, Helen, who reads this page regularly - I'll get back to you tomorrow when life is normal again. Tonight at 19.15 there will be an Olympic lifting class as usual hosted by Ray Cavanagh of the illustrious Team Cavanagh and Louise Mather - Commonwealth Games 2014 competitor. If you haven't attended these classes previously, you have missed out.