WOD Tuesday 20th March 2018
Workout of the Day E2MOM (5x attempts building load): 1x Cluster + 2x Thrusters
Workout of the Day E2MOM (5x attempts building load): 1x Cluster + 2x Thrusters
Workout of the Day 18.4 OR 50/40/30/20/10 DB Snatches 22.5/15 Kcal Row
Workout of the Day 18.3 OR 7x minutes max burpees
Workout of the Day 5RFT: 50x Double Unders 5x Power Snatch 60/40kg
Workout of the Day Row 2km
Workout of the Day 18.1 OR 10RFT: 10x Air squats 10x Lunges
Workout of the Day TBC Ho ho ho! Merry Fitness! Welcome to CrossFit Games Open Eve. The Open is the single best time on the CrossFit calendar for us and we want to make sure that it is as special, fun and exciting as possible. We will do our very best to be turbo organised for you all and to make it go off seamlessly. The Open workouts will run from first thing on Friday morning right through the weekend and close after the last class on Monday. All scores must be submitted by the end of Monday evening - say midnight for ease of reference. There is nothing we can do if you fail to enter a score on time, sorry. So, here's how it works: Tomorrow morning at about 01:00 Dave Castro will announce workout 18.1 and two games athletes will go head to head. Then, at 05:00 Iain, myself and the team will set up the gym for the workout. At 06:15 the class will begin with a workout brief and summary of movement standards; then you will move to A2 for a predetermined warm up and skills assistance for those that require it; then you will return to A1 to stage for heats. Heats will be prioritised to those that need to get to work sharpest. Half the heat will be athletes and the other half judges (for counting). The athletes do the WOD while the judges score it, then we do the old switcheroo - [...]
Workout of the Day 8x Intervals Run 400m Rest 90 seconds* *manage rest interval to preserve workout stimulus
Workout of the Day "Havana" AMRAP20: 150x double-unders 50x push-ups 15x power cleans 85/55kg https://youtu.be/46R6Htrt4P8
Workout of the Day A. 1RM Close Grip Floor Press B. 3x 10 DB Rollback Extensions C. AMRAP5: "Fun"