About Gavin Heselton

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So far Gavin Heselton has created 280 blog entries.

WOD Tuesday 16th January 2018

By |2018-01-15T23:12:36+00:00January 15th, 2018|WOD|

Workout of the Day In Teams, AMRAP 34: 40m Sandbag Carry AHAP E2MOM: 1 Athlete completes - 10/8 kcal ski 8/6 burpees Max Power Snatches 35/25kg Score both the carries and snatches then total the reps and add the split to comments i.e. Team Alpha 300 reps (150x carries, 150x snatches) Treat each of the Ski/ Burpee/ Snatch efforts as a max effort sprint. You should reach the bar in around 40 seconds leaving 1:20 for snatches. The rest of the team alternate on the carries as they see fit. It will quickly get disturbingly hard.

WOD Friday 12th January 2018

By |2018-01-11T23:05:03+00:00January 11th, 2018|WOD|

Workout of the Day Perform 7 rounds of the following, completing as many reps of each exercise as possible: 30 seconds of toes-to-bars Rest 30 seconds 30 seconds of dips Rest 30 seconds 30 seconds of body-weight deadlifts Rest 30 seconds 30 seconds of handstand push-ups Rest 30 seconds

WOD Friday 5th January 2018

By |2018-01-04T21:58:28+00:00January 4th, 2018|WOD|

Workout of the Day "CrossFit Games Open Workout 16.2" OR For athletes with Maxes under 90/55kg 4-Minute AMRAP + Bonus Time of: 25x TTB/ knee raises 50x Double Unders/ 100x singles Squat Cleans 15x 60/40kg 13x 60/40kg 11x 60/40kg 9x 60/40kg 7x 60/40kg Upon failure in the Rx, athletes should strip the bar and continue with the above scheme

WOD Wednesday 27th December 2017

By |2017-12-26T23:09:58+00:00December 26th, 2017|WOD|

Workout of the Day In Teams of 2/3: AMRAP8: 60x Box Jumps 45x Burpees 30x Pull Ups Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP8: 150x Kcal Row 80x DB Snatch 22.5/15kg Rest 2 Minutes 8 Minute Cap Establish 1RM GTOH

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