About Gavin Heselton

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So far Gavin Heselton has created 280 blog entries.

WOD Friday 8th December 2017

By |2017-12-07T21:44:49+00:00December 7th, 2017|WOD|

Workout of the Day For time: 50x Burpee Pull-ups For time: 50x Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24"20" For time: 50x Bar-facing Burpees Each section will be attempted as an AMRAP6. Rest 5 minutes between each. Post total score to wodify

WOD Tuesday 5th December 2017

By |2017-12-04T21:07:06+00:00December 4th, 2017|WOD|

Workout of the Day "Gwen" 15-12-9 Clean and jerk Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets.

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