WOD Tuesday 7th November 2017
Workout of the Day Isabel For time: 30x Snatches 60/40kg
Workout of the Day Isabel For time: 30x Snatches 60/40kg
Workout of the Day A. 1RM Deadlift B. AMRAP 7 Fun Score the number of completed Funs
Workout of the Day 3RFT: Run 400m 10x GTOH 60/40kg
Workout of the Day 1-1-1-1-1 Clean and Jerk
"It Takes Deadication" AMRAP17 In Pairs: 30x Kcal Row 30x Wall Ball Shots 20/14lbs 30x Box Jumps 30x Push Press 20/15kg 30x Alternating Lunges Partner 1 leads with a 2 minute head start. The objective is for partner 2 to catch up to partner 1 and 'eat their brains' by stealing their station and forcing them to do 15x penalty burpees while they move to the next station. If partner 1 has such elite fitness that they catch up to partner 2, they can eat partner 1's brains and lap them.
Workout of the Day For Time: 1200m Run 30x Deadlifts 80/50kg 10x Burpees 800m Run 20x Deadlifts 80/50kg 10x Burpees 400m Run 10x Deadlifts 80/50kg 10x Burpees
Workout of the Day AMRAP40: 12kcal Row 40m Yoke Carry 200m Run 12kcal Ski 5x Burpees
Workout of the Day 5x 5 Bench Press
Workout of the Day 50-40-30-20-10 Push Press 35/25kg 10-20-30-40-50 Double Unders
Workout of the Day In pairs, For Time: 3RFT: YGIG Sprint 20m DB Lunge 20m 22.5/15kg Rest 2 mins 3RFT: YGIG Sprint 20m DB Lunge 20m 22.5/15kg Rest 2 mins 3RFT: YGIG Sprint 20m DB Lunge 20m 22.5/15kg Subtract rest time from total time (-4 minutes) for scoring purposes