WOD Thursday 7th March 2013 “CFG 2013 Open Begins”

By |2013-03-06T23:23:21+00:00March 6th, 2013|CrossFit Games Open 2013, Events, WOD|

It is here. We've waited a year for this day to come and it is finally upon us. The Reebok CrossFit Games 2013 has arrived and as of this moment every one of the 174 members that has registered so far is officially a competitive athlete. Whether this is your first year or you are a Games veteran, whether you have just completed your fundamentals or you have competed at Regionals: these are your Games and nobody's score means anything except your own. If you simply give everything you can. If you give your biggest lift, your fastest time or just hold on until the timer hits zero: you will know you have done your all, and nobody can take that from you. CrossFit Glasgow, you are ready. Games Open workout 13.1 will be run as the WOD on Friday: all athletes are asked to turn up promptly to the class times and to bring all necessary kit. Wrist wraps, Voodoo Floss bands, tape and speed ropes will be available for purchase for those that require them. The Saturday and Sunday open gym sessions will be suspended to run heats of the Games WOD for all athletes. Please be prompt and sign up to one of the heats on the board as soon as you arrive. Any athlete who wishes to judge should first complete the Online Judges Course via the CrossFit Games site and should ideally have either coaching or competition experience. Level 1 CrossFit trainers are not required [...]

Girls WOD Guest Coach

By |2013-01-06T12:42:02+00:00January 6th, 2013|Events, Information, WOD|

This Saturday at 11am there will be a special Girls WOD hosted by guest coach Stephanie (Gaudreau) McCormack of CrossFit Invictus in San Diego. A former Coach at CrossFit Chula Vista and advocate of the Paleo diet; Steph has some impressive credentials: CF L1 CF Endurance CF Mobility Carl Paoli's Freestyle Connection Gymastics BSc in Biology, Master's in Education Co-owner of Healthy Happy Fit Life (nutritional coaching), Creator of stupideasypaleo.com Steph relishes the opportunity to demonstrate the benefits of her dedication to training and boasts the following competition standings: Left Coast Invitational 2012 - Advanced females 2nd place Left Coast Invitational 2011 - Females 5th place 2011 Cal State Games Weightlifting 63 kg class - 2nd place CF San Diego Powerlifting Meet July 2011 - 2nd place 2011 CrossFit Games Open - 83rd in SoCal 2012 CrossFit Games Open - withdrew in 5th week due to injury Max lifts: Deadlift 130kg Back squat 120kg Front squat 97kg Clean 85kg Jerk 82kg Bench 62kg Snatch 60kg Press 42kg This is an incredible opportunity for all of our female members to learn from a phenomenal coach. There will be a WOD running from 11am on Saturday morning under Steph's experienced eye followed by a Q&A session during which you can ask whatever you like: the importance of strength training, how to maintain a paleo diet etc. Do not miss this. All male athletes will require to have themselves and their kit out of the box by 11am. No excuses.

WOD Saturday 7th July 2012

By |2012-07-07T07:33:30+01:00July 7th, 2012|Events, WOD|

Well done to all who attended yesterday, it was hugely technical and we saw some huge improvements in snatch technique and for many, a first introduction to the Turkish Get Up. Best of luck to all of our athletes competing this weekend in Manchester, we're sure you'll smash it. Have fun and enjoy the atmosphere. WOD For Time: 75 Pull Ups 75 Bar Jump Burpees 75 Thrusters (35/25) Complete the movements in any order; breaking them up as you see fit

Results From The Throwdown

By |2012-02-12T17:50:59+00:00February 12th, 2012|Events, Information|

Well done to all of our athletes who represented us this weekend. You've done the box and yourselves proud. You're probably looking forward to a good rest, but then, the open starts soon... Individuals: Big Red: 7th Place Tino: 22nd Place Fitzi: 29th Place Teams: CrossFit Glasgow: 14th Place

WOD Fri 6th Jan ’12

By |2012-01-05T22:48:30+00:00January 5th, 2012|Events, Information, WOD|

Tomorrow - 12.30 - Paleo Seminar at CrossFit Glasgow. Please show up on time, it should not last more than 90mins if everyone is prompt.  Remember those that are not taking part in the challenge are still welcome to attend the seminar for a nominal fee.  The seminar is not the same as previous challenges.  The 9, 10 and 11AM WODs will run as normal.  Please bring your payment in on Saturday for the challenge if possible.  If you have any concerns please contact Iain or Gavin. Sunday the team WOD is now on!  So be in for an 11AM start! WOD Run 800m x5.  Rest 60s between runs.  Record total time. An old one but a good one!  

WOD 30th Nov ’11

By |2011-11-29T22:22:32+00:00November 29th, 2011|Events, Information, WOD|

Great turnout for the OL session last night, some new faces and some new PR's! Tonight!  18:15 - mobility for deadlift with Jonny and at 19:15 the Mo'down WOD!  Come along, take part and donate to charity!   WOD   100 deadlifts for time (100/65kg) every time you drop the bar do 30 double unders   Post time to comments

Movember Mo’down

By |2011-11-29T00:07:14+00:00November 29th, 2011|Events, Information|

You may have noticed some decidedly dodgy facial hair in the box of late but I can assure you that we are not in the middle of a 70s revival - our coaches and many of our members are showing their support for testicular cancer by growing ridiculous 'taches for the month of Movember. We'd like to invite you all to the first annual CrossFit Glasgow Mo'down - an evening dedicated to friendly competition in order to raise money for a fan'tache'tic cause. Pairs of athletes will battle it out for Movember mastery through a series of challenging WODs where all contenders must sport a nose-broom; either home-grown or artificial. As always there will be a great community atmosphere and the chance to win prizes for best athlete pair. Entry to the Mo'down will require you to donate 5 pounds to CrossFit Glasgow's Mo'Space and to sport a moustache, either real or artificial (drawn on will suffice). The Mo'down is open to all irrespective of gender or ability. The WOD itself will run from 19.15 on Wednesday 30th Movember 2011. Sorry for the short notice. Register your interest on the site or our Facebook page; join the team at the link below; pre-arrange a pair or simply turn up. What Mo' could you ask for? http://mobro.co/CrossFitGlasgow2012

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