By |2015-09-27T23:18:14+01:00September 27th, 2015|Information|

The gym is closed today for maintenance and cleaning.  If you have the September weekend off then enjoy your day!  If you are working then rest up and know that from tomorrow training will be heavy from this day onwards.  Friday's is particularly rough!

Events in August / September

By |2015-08-03T10:21:31+01:00August 3rd, 2015|Events, Information|

There is a lot happening this month so I thought it would be a worth a separate post. This week: CrossFit Lite: Monday, Tuesday and Friday at 17:00.  This class is our introduction to CrossFit, it costs just £5 to attend and there is no minimum standard.  These classes focus on teaching the correct technique for all the big lifts as well as your metabolic conditioning whilst keeping the load low. Weightlifting: Tuesday and Thursday at 19:30 with Colette and Louise.  This class costs just £3 and you do not need to be a member of CFG to attend.  There is no minimum standard. This month: CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Course: Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th.  Unfortunately this means the gym will be closed for the weekend. CrossFit Strongman:  Saturday 15th.  Rob Orlando returns to CFG to teach his strongman course for the third year running.  This is a one day event that covers all the technique for the main strongman movements.  This is one of the cheapest CrossFit seminars and one of the most fun to attend, you do not need to be a coach to attend or benefit from this course.  The gym will be closed on Saturday. SFN Expo / Clydebuilt Throwdown:  Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th.  CFG will be competing for the second year running at the SECC in the largest team event in Scotland, come along and show your support for all the teams competing. CrossFit Kids Trainer Course: Saturday 5th + Sunday 6th September.  This is [...]

Happy New Year!

By |2015-01-02T08:47:22+00:00January 2nd, 2015|Information|

Happy New Year!  Another successful year at CFG has passed and we would like to thank all of our coaches for their countless hours of hard work and continuing desire to develop and learn.  We'd also like to thank Craig Lowe for his unending willingness to help and assist no matter the job; coach, rig builder, spark, janny, judge, technical assistant and friend.  Thank you Craig. We have come a long way since opening and to highlight just how far we’ve come and how much Gavin and I have aged here’s a quick recap of the last 12  months. 4 years ago and looking 10 years younger   January A quiet start to the year but saw 45 new members experience CrossFit Glasgow from 2 Fundamentals weekends in the one month.  Laura organised a Quiz night at the end of the month testing your knowledge of who’s who in the CrossFit World and to show off Gavin’s extensive knowledge of nature and dinosaurs.  The quiet before the storm.   February Ground Up – movement seminar with the one and only I Am Scott Houston.  We hope to follow up with more classes in parkour and hand balancing in 2015. Benni Magnusson Deadlift Seminar – we played host to both Benni and his wife Gemma for half a day as they spoke about programming and strength improvements for one of the big lifts.  Later that year Benni went on to break the World Record raw deadlift at the European’s [...]

CFG Opening Hours Over Christmas

By |2014-12-20T13:35:33+00:00December 20th, 2014|Information|

22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th Normal hours / WODs Normal hours / WODs 06:15 to 12:15 WODs only. Closed at 13:15 Closed Closed Open 09:00 to 12:00. No WODs Open 09:30 to 12:30. No WODs 29th 30th 31st 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Normal hours / WODs Normal hours / WODs 06:15 to 12:15 WODs only. Closed at 13:15 Closed Closed Open 09:00 to 12:00. No WODs Open 09:30 to 12:30. No WODs   Fundamentals will pick up on the 17th and 18th of January.  If you want to get involved please contact us by email:

WOD Tuesday 16th December ’14

By |2014-12-15T20:34:00+00:00December 15th, 2014|Information, WOD|

Workout of the Day 50 clusters for time - every 3 minutes do a block run.  Start with a block run.  Scale with a shorter run or row to suit. Tonight and Thursday we have weightlifting on at 19.15.  There is no WOD on the Tuesday but there is a WOD at the same time as the weightlifting on the Thursday.  Weightlifting costs just £3 to attend and lasts an hour, you do not need to be a member of CrossFit to attend. Saturday & Sunday CrossFit Glasgow will be closed due to us hosting the Level 1 Seminar.  If you want in to train early we can accommodate you from 0600-0800 but you have to speak to Iain or Gavin first.  They don't get up at that time for funsies. Over Christmas and the New Year we will be operating limited working hours. 24th (Wednesday) - 06.15 to 13.15.  We will run all the regular WODs this day between those hours.  We will be closed after the 12.15 ends. 25th - Closed 26th - Closed 27th (Saturday) 9-12 but no WODs will run 28th (Sunday) 10-1 29th (Monday) Normal hours 30th (Tuesday) Normal hours 31st - (Wednesday) - 06.15 to 13.15.  We will run all the regular WODs this day between those hours.  We will be closed after the 12.15 ends. 1st - Closed 2nd - Closed 3rd (Saturday) 9-12 but no WODs will run 4th (Sunday) 10-1 5th (Monday) Business as usual

FFD Throwdown

By |2014-11-28T13:12:14+00:00November 28th, 2014|Information|

UPDATE - the FFD Throwdown hopes to begin at 09:30 tomorrow morning.  Registration is at 9.  We anticipate a few delays as their itinerary seems tight but the hope is to have the final done and dusted by 16:30.  It's sure to be a great event so if you're free then come along, immerse yourself in the CrossFit community and cheer on CFG.   If you need a lift, post on the FaceBook group.  CFG is competing in Heats 3 and 6 so you won't have to hang around long before you see some more familiar faces giving their all!  Please click here for details and directions to FFD. For those who can't make it, keep an eye on our Twitter and Instagram

WOD Monday 15th September ’14

By |2014-09-14T20:41:20+01:00September 14th, 2014|Information, WOD|

Workout of the Day In small teams. 24min AMRAP 5 high box jumps 10 front racked kb squats 15 kcal row   Weightlifting:  You do no need to be a member of CFG to attend! Tuesday - 19.15 - there is no WOD.  Weightlifting will run in it's place.  This class is just £3 a time and is taught by Colette Will.  It will focus on the technique and skill of both the snatch and the clean and jerk as well as progressing the programming so you will develop your strength and speed over time. Thursday - 19.15 - there is a WOD as normal as well as weightlifting.  Same as Tuesday, it will be taught by Colette and will cost £3 per person.     This weekend the gym will be closed due to the Level 1 Trainer Course.  The gym will be open from 0600-0800 for the die hard on the Saturday should you require a fitness fix. There is no Girls WOD or CrossFit Kids on Saturday. There is no Strongman on Sunday.

Week Ahead

By |2014-08-25T19:17:59+01:00August 25th, 2014|Information|

A lot is happening this week. Friday night: 18.30 - A strongman challenge / social night.  This event will be hosted at CFG and will be ran by Rob Orlando, 2x CF Games competitor with a 15th finish in 2010, there will be food and drink available as well as a series of workouts and a chance to buy some of Rob's Hybrid Apparel.  Cost just £20 to attend, just rock up on the night.  Cash only. Saturday: The gym is closed all day.  We will be hosting the CrossFit Strongman Seminar.  This will run from 9-4 and teaches all the basics of strongman lifting.  You will learn and lift heavier than you ever thought possible, don't worry if you don't consider yourself  'strong' as CFG has kit that can be scaled down to the very lightest.  This is one of the best seminars I have ever attended.  Rob's approach is laid back, logical and informative, the class has lots of breaks to lift and isn't spent entirely at the whiteboard and is also one of the most affordable seminars.  It teaches lifts that you typically would not experience in a CrossFit gym and gives you a taste of what training like a strongman is all about.  CFG will also sell you strongman kit if you need any to begin your training ASAP. Tuesday 19.15 there is no WOD.  Olympic lifting will take place with Louise Mather.  £3 per person for this class. Friday: there will be no classes after [...]

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