WOD Friday 11th July ’14

By |2014-07-10T20:18:46+01:00July 10th, 2014|Information, WOD|

CrossFit Glasgow is pleased to announce it will be hosting another CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Seminar on the 20-21st September.  If you wish to sign up please click this link or the banner on the right hand bar.  Spaces are limited and it is sure to sell out quickly so be sure to book your spot now to avoid disappointment.  CFG can not reserve spaces or offer discounts.   Workout of the Day 2008 CrossFit Games Workout A 5 rounds for time 5 deadlifts 125/85kg 10 burpees As per the 2008 Games rules, your hands must remain on the bar throughout the entire lift for it to count.  No dropping of the bar is permitted.  Burpees: chest and thighs to floor, just and clap OH. Times: Men - Mat Chan 2:33, Jason Khalipa 2:37, Chris Spealler 2:41 Women - Libby Dibiase 3:23, Caity Matter 3:53, Jenny Rydh 3:54

By |2014-04-28T08:12:23+01:00April 28th, 2014|Information|

Tuesday nights CFG hosts a weightlifting class with Ray and Colette.  This class runs in place of the 19.15 WOD and will focus on Olympic lifting and developing your technique.  We are very lucky to have such a high profile club (Team Cavanagh) come along and teach this class so if you struggle with the snatch of clean and jerk you should not be missing this opportunity.  You do not need to be a member of the gym to join in, you do not need to be good at weightlifting to attend and it costs just £3 per person.  No booking is required.   Thursday night our resident physio Jonny Kilpatrick will be having a mobility class on in place of the 19.15 WOD.  This is a great chance to learn how to increase your range of motion, highlight areas requiring particular attention and give you specific mobilisations you can use in every warm up to help you get the most out of your workouts.  You do not need to be a member to attend this class and costs just £3.  No booking is required.   Saturday 11AM will be Girls WOD.  This class is just for the ladies, class will vary in content and usually lasts an hour.  This is for members only.  Visitors are welcome upon request.   Fundamentals Weekend:  Due to a hectic May schedule we are forced to have the Fundamentals weekend this coming weekend.  If you know anyone that wants to sign up please have [...]

End of the Open

By |2014-04-01T20:47:54+01:00April 1st, 2014|Information|

This year's CrossFit Games Open has just ended after five gruelling weeks of soaring highs and crushing lows. Workouts that seemed so easy on paper yet cut the legs out from under you in minutes; or workouts that left you staring at the bar at the end of your physical capacity with no hope of further progression. But what about the single  rep that you got into the next round? What about the tactics that you weren't too sure about that got you further than all of your friends? The morning that you woke up and said "Finally. Deadlift and box jumps! It's my time." The Open had a little something for everyone; no matter how experienced. Every year we have done it, it has inspired us to greater things than we felt capable of. It brought some new people to the gym and brought back some long overdue old faces. In particular, Sundays were an outstanding display of camaraderie and cakes with the recent formation of the Fat Lad's Rhabdo Club. We have collectively and individually accomplished some amazing things this year: With 192 athletes registered we were once again the largest team in Europe (13th Largest Worldwide) and it is testament to the community and to the commitment of the athletes to the gym and one another that we continue to dominate on our capacity to get behind one another. We are expecting something to recognise this achievement from the powers that be. 40% of Scotland's top 10 [...]

Information for visitors

By |2014-03-21T14:51:32+00:00March 21st, 2014|Information|

View CrossFit Glasgow in a larger map   If you’re new to Glasgow and looking for somewhere for food and drinks then you may like the following places as recommended by our members! MacSorley’s – Pub & food, 42 Jamaica St, 5 mins walk Nandos – St Enoch’s Square, 7 mins walk Ad Lib – burgers, 111 Hope St, 10 mins walk Tropeiro – Brazilian all-you-can-eat, 363 Argyle St, 10 mins walk Barolo Grill – Italian, 92-94 Mitchell St, 13 mins walk Viva Brazil - Brazilian all-you-can-eat, 87-91 Bothwell St, 15mins walk The Chippy Doon the Lane – posh fish & chips, McCormack Lane off Buchanan St, 15 mins walk Rab Ha’s – Scottish, 83 Hutcheson St, 20 mins walk   The closest supermarkets are: Spar – on the corner of Bridge Street & Oxford Street, 2 mins walk Tesco – large supermarket at St Enoch’s Square, 7 mins walk   See our Facebook page for a map with all of the above tagged  

14.4 – Judging over the weekend

By |2014-03-20T10:58:34+00:00March 20th, 2014|Information|

As mentioned in previous posts CrossFit Glasgow will be closed over the weekend until 18.00 each day. We will be looking to judge as many people as possible on Friday so do your best to make it in tomorrow to complete 14.4. Over the weekend we will open our doors to athletes from 18.00, your judges will be some of the biggest names in CrossFit as the Level 1 staff assist us. We will also judge people on Monday however there will be a WOD running as well so please be considerate towards the members attending regular classes. CrossFit East Kilbride and Unit4 CrossFit have kindly offered to open their doors for CFG members to be judged at their facilities over the weekend as well. Saturday: CFEK opens at 08.30 and first heat will begin at 09.00, every head thereafter will happen every 15mins depending on the WOD.  Closes at 12.30. U4CF opens at 10.00 and closes at 14.00. Sunday: CFEK opens at 12.00 and closes at 14.00. U4CF opens at 10.00 and closes at 14.00. As a member of CFG you represent us, and your team so if you visit the other facilities in our community be sure to give them the same support as you would your own and demonstrate the spirit that has made us Europe's largest team for two years running. Be patient when waiting for heats, offer to judge other athletes and help keep the place squared away. We thank you all in advance for your [...]

Scottish Open 2014

By |2014-02-21T18:07:27+00:00February 21st, 2014|Information|

The Scottish Open is being hosted at CFG for the third year running, it is a great occasion where some of Scotland's best and brightest in weightlifting compete alongside the young and the new to the sport. This year it has some added meaning as many of the lifters will be looking to achieve their Commonwealth Games qualifying totals. It will run all day on Sunday. It is free to spectators. Please come along and show your support.  If you are wondering about parking, Commerce Street, Centre Street are free all day. We look forward to seeing you.  

By |2014-02-03T08:40:59+00:00February 3rd, 2014|Information|

All weekend: Fundamentals - there are spaces available for regular members to attend this workshop, it costs just £20 for members and is a perfect opportunity to refresh your memory and receive feedback and technique on your basic lifts regardless of your experience level.  If you are interested in attending please email fundamentals@crossfitglasgow.com or speak to a member of staff. CFG's first quiz night.  Friday 7th February at 7.15pm. Bring food and drink and your thinking caps! Entry is just £2 each and all money enters the prize find.

Tuesday 28th January ’14

By |2014-01-28T11:22:48+00:00January 28th, 2014|Information|

19.15 - there is no WOD on, Olympic lifting is on instead, this class is taught by members of WLS, cost is £3 and you do not need to be a member to attend. Thursday 19.15 - there is no WOD on, mobility is on instead with our resident physio Jonny Kilpatrick of PhysioEffect.  This class costs £3, you do not need to be a member of CFG to attend. Saturday 11am - Girls WOD, this class is strictly just for the female members, gents please finish your workout in due time. Sunday 11am - Team WOD, you don't need to turn up as a team we will find you some willing companions! PurePharma has been ordered and will be in the gym by tomorrow. There are still some spaces left for the Movement Seminar this Saturday and for the Benni Magnusson deadlifting seminar on the 15th of Feb.  Not many spaces so book them quickly!

Park Run

By |2014-01-23T20:27:19+00:00January 23rd, 2014|Information|

Parkrun is a weekly 5km running event that is volunteer led and completely free to enter. There are many parkrun events all over the world including a hugely popular event in Pollok Park. It's really accessible and a great way to track your running progress. Pollok Park hold the event every Saturday morning at 9:30. Interested members should visit http://www.parkrun.org.uk/glasgow/. From here you should register and select CrossFit Glasgow as your team! You must register before attending as when you register you are sent a barcode that you need to print and take to the event! This is scanned upon completion of your run and your time, position and age-graded score will then be made available to you online. I think it would be great if we could get a decent CFG presence on the first Saturday of each month. It would be great training for members but it could potentially be huge publicity for the box...some weeks there have been over 500 runners in attendance. Last week there was a large turnout from a local running club (looked to be about 20-30 of them there) and they were mentioned on the Facebook page, in the newsletter and the twitter account. Jack will be taking part in this event, you can find him on FaceBook in the member's section or at the gym most mornings.

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