WOD Thursday 4th September ’14

By |2014-09-03T20:35:04+01:00September 3rd, 2014|Strongman, TeamWOD, WOD|

Workout of the Day Team Strongman Yoke walk 600/450kg per person Tyre flips 15 per person Yoke walk 600/450kg per person Loads moved/flipped do not need to be evenly distributed per person.  Work as a team.  If someone can move/do more to help someone else then go for it!   Saturday we will be closed due to hosting the Western Districts Weightlifting Competition.  We will have an early session from 0600-0800 then we will be closed to training all day. Sunday - 11.15 - Girls WOD Sunday - 11.00 - CrossFit Kids  

WOD Tuesday 19th August ’14

By |2014-08-18T20:19:52+01:00August 18th, 2014|TeamWOD, WOD|

Workout of the Day In pairs, for time: 40 deadlifts then 3 rounds of: block run (both run, 1 person must carry a 30/20lb medball) 15 cleans   Tonight there is no 19.15 WOD.  Weightlifting with Colette Will is on in it's place.  This class costs £3 per person and lasts an hour, you do not need to be a member to attend nor do you need to be any specific standard to take a lot of technical points away from this class. Tuesday and Wednesday there is a 10.15 WOD.  

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