Workout of the Day
October 31, 2020
Saturday 31st OctoberMetcon (Time)3RFT: 800m run 30 OH Db lunges (15/side) 30 single arm db sumo DL high pull (15/side) Warmup 3 rounds: 200m run 10 palms up OHS 8 db high pulls/side
Workout of the Day
Saturday 31st OctoberMetcon (Time)3RFT: 800m run 30 OH Db lunges (15/side) 30 single arm db sumo DL high pull (15/side) Warmup 3 rounds: 200m run 10 palms up OHS 8 db high pulls/side
Friday 30th OctoberMetcon (Time)Dumbbell DT 10 rounds: 12 deadlifts 9 hang power cleans 6 push jerks *alternate arms each round Warmup: Light DB AMRAP3: 5 deadlifts 5 hang power cleans 5 push jerks Working weight: 9-6-3 deadlift hang power clean push jerk
Thursday 29th OctoberMetcon (3 Rounds for reps)AMRAP3: 7 alt db hang squat cleans 7 push ups Rest 2 minutes AMRAP2: 7 alt db hang squat cleans 7 push ups Rest 1 minute AMRAP1: 7 alt db hang squat cleans 7 push ups max alt db hang squat cleans Warmup: 2 rounds: 10 squat thoracic rotations 5 russian baby makers 10 air squats 2 rounds: 5 dbfront squats 5 push ups on knees
Wednesday 28th OctoberMetconMax Height Jump 20 Air Squats Rest 5 Mins 1 Mile Run* Warmup: 2 rounds 10 burpees - high jump 20 heel drives/side 30sec high knees 30sec butt kicks1-Mile Run (Time)Max Effort 1-Mile Run
Tuesday 27th OctoberMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)AMRAP20: 20 dB bent over row 30 press ups 400m run/2 minutes 50 burpeesWarmup rounds: 30sec fast feet 10 empty barbell bent over row 5 burpees
Monday 26th OctoberMetcon (Time)4RFT: 80 double unders 20 lateral jumps over KB or box jumps 10 HSPUWarmup 1 round: 50 single skips 10 box step ups 10 light db z-press 1 round: 50 double under attempts 10 box jump overs 5 pike push ups *handstand kick up
Saturday 24th OctoberMetcon (Time)100 Deadlifts 100/70kg or heavy object *every time you break 50 double unders or 100 singles20 banded good mornings 20 heel drives 20 banded good mornings 20 single unders 20 banded good mornings 20 double unders/attempts
Friday 23rd OctoberMetcon (Time)5RFT: 5 Front Squats with 3 sec pause 10 burpees 3 rounds: 8 Romanian deadlifts with DB or heavy object 1 minute plank (add weight if need be) Warmup: AMRAP 4 10 Air Squats 10 alt Lunges 5 Situps
Thursday 22nd OctoberMetcon (Time)6 RFT 14 DB STOH (7L, 7R) 10 DB Box Step Up's/Overs 6 BurpeesWarmup 3 rounds: 10 dumbbell strict press (5/side) 12 unweighted step ups
Wednesday 21st OctoberMetcon (5 Rounds for reps)Every 4 min x5: 200m sprint run Ab finisher: 5 rounds 5 V-ups 10 Tuck Crunches