Friday 8th May Technique Classes this week are on Weightlifting on Thurs & Sat Warm-up PERFECT LUNGE - 5 reps per side (lunge + hands over head, hands on ground - elbow pushing knee out, twist towards leg thats forwar- hand to sky, straight leg - pick toe off ground) 3-5 second hold each position 2 rounds: 10 AirSquats 10 Feet together Squats 10 tuck hold 10 hollow hold 30 Star Jumps Max tension in holds! Metcon (Time) For time: 150s Burpees EMOM Odds - 5x Tuck crunches Even - 4x Pistols RX+: EMOM odds - 10x tuck crunches even: 6 pistols ----------------- Scaled/Silvers: For time: 75-100 Burpees EMOM Odds - 5 Tuck crunches or Sit-ups Even - 4x Pistols or 4x AirSquats I'm sorry, I turned my back for a minute, literally 1 minute, when I came back Viv had written in 150 burpees, I tried to stop her but she overpowered me. You know I'd never put you through this, I'm the nice one, honest. So run an EMOM time, you can start with the burpees, get a big set out whilst you're fresh, every time it beeps you'll perform either 5x tuck crunches or 4x pistols. If you dig in for this you should be able to come out of the other side in under 12 minutes, if you let the burpees win you may never come out the other side. Tuck crunches should be in everyone's wheel house by now, we've had you doing enough [...]