Wednesday 1st July
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds for time:
20x Box jumps or onto a second stair
30x Reverse Lunges alt
Cash out: 1 mile run
Finisher: Couch stretch – 1 min/ leg
Calf stretch against wall – 30sec/leg
5 Rounds for Time:
15x Box jumps or Step-ups
20x Reverse Lunges alt
Buy out: 1km run
Finisher: Couch stretch – 1 min/ leg
Calf stretch against wall – 30sec/leg”
“I’m not sure how much fun this is going to be, if I’m honest I worry your little booties are going to get all sore, but then I’m the kind hearted sort, I worry about you. 100 box jumps is quite a lot, for most of you a set of 20 won’t be a sprint, however that doesn’t mean you should be taking 90 seconds to get 20 reps done. If you normally step up I want you to find a lower surface to jump to, let’s get working on power and strength that comes from jumping as opposed to stepping. If you’re jumping onto your stairs please be careful, the second stair is lower than a box but it’s also a considerable distance forwards and backwards, just be aware. 30 reverse lunges should be fast, the shorter amongst you should be able to get through these in 30 seconds, at least for the first round. As the WOD progresses you should notice fatigue creeping in, weighing you down in the jumps and making you burn in the lunges, this is a good thing, fatigue is your friend, it means you’re pushing yourself and if you can keep going your mental game is strong.
I have no words for the cash out, 1 mile run after all the quad, glut and hamstrings have been violated, start slow and build up speed once you loosen off, don’t hang around feeling sorry for yourself and once you get going try to pick up the pace, even if it means crying as you run.”
I have no words for the cash out, 1 mile run after all the quad, glut and hamstrings have been violated, start slow and build up speed once you loosen off, don’t hang around feeling sorry for yourself and once you get going try to pick up the pace, even if it means crying as you run.”
High Jumps (Dip – JUMP!)
Fast Feet