Friday 10th July
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
100x Lunges alt
100x Double Unders /100x Star Jumps / 200x SU
100x DB Snatch
100x Air Squats
100x Sit-ups
*choose between 60-80 reps of each movement
You know I just got bored of having to explain rep schemes, leap frog, AMRAPs, EMOMs, 10-1 etc. I made it easy, 100 reps of everything, it’s a nice round number, not too many, not too few. The great thing about it is that although it seems large I guarantee most if not all of you are capable of plodding through all of these reps unbroken. Certainly 100 lunges is not that many, 50 each leg, as long as you land on your heel and drive off of your heel everything will be fine. 100 double unders or 200 single unders, some of you out there might be able to do this unbroken, others will be in sets of 2, 3 or 4, it’s not that many and I think even the most sinister of you will be able to get through these in 2-2.5 minutes, obviously if you don’t have a rope or you live in a flat and don’t hate your downstairs neighbours you will do 100 penguin taps, double tap at the top or star jumps, we might as well work on that coordination. DB snatch, as long as you’re changing hands efficiently, driving the hips through and not just yanking from the ground you should be fine, keep that chest up. If you don’t have a DB you can use a KB if you’re feeling brave, if you just have a bag full of rocks then you can do kettlebell swings with it, it’s a little slower and a touch more demanding but hey, fitness plus right? Air squats, ok I know 100 air squats is usually fine, but you may find your little leggies are a little tired so if you have to take a little, tiny break around rep 50 that’s fine, count to 3 off you go. 100 sit ups is definitely the worst part of this, after all of this work, no ab mats, it just annoying, stupid abs, who even needs abs, it’s not like they do anything important structurally, well they do protect your organs i suppose…and they help you lift weights, support your back, make you look sexier. Other than that though useless. I reckon most of you will be done in under 20 minutes, if you do it in sub 15 you can message Viv, she likes to know these things.