Friday 24th July


Ankle Mobility drills
5x RBM
10x Samon Lunge
15x Light RKBS
20x – 10x 5sec descent air squats – 10 3sec desent

Practise round of 20x fast airsquats – ensure depth is hit everytime

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

10mins: complete 5 rounds of:
20x shoulder taps (per side)
20x squats
then in the remaining time max down ups

RX+ wear a weighted backpack about 8-10kg or more!

“This seems fairly innocuous doesnt it? You have 10 minutes, in that time you will perform your 5 rounds and once they are complete you can start on your down-ups, for those of you unsure a down-up is like the perfect burpee, no jump, no clap, so you know, the burpees you all do when you think I can’t see you. You know I can always see you right?
If you are super fast on this you could have 5-6 minutes to perform your down-ups, that’s a lot of time to be working. Some of you may struggle to get your 5 rounds completed, either way everyone is working at their maximum capacity for 10 minutes. None of you should feel bad about your score, as long as by the end of the 10 minutes your lungs are burning and you’re soaked in sweat you’ve done good work.
For the RX+ funsters amongst you you should still be getting through the 5 rounds with at least 2 minutes to spare, remember this is about going as hard and fast as you can, if your weight vest is slowing you down so much you’re taking more than 90 seconds to do a round then ditch the vest and move faster, you will get so much more from it.

Adv: 80-90+
Int: 60-70+
Beg: 20+