Monday 27th July
Metcon (Time)
What goes up must come down – for time:
10x HSPU
20x alt DB Hang Clean & Jerk
30x Thrusters/WallBalls
40x Double Unders
50x Burpees
40x Double Unders
30x Thrusters/WallBalls
20x alt DB Hang Clean & Jerk
10x HSPU
“What goes up must come down – for time:
10x Pike Pushups
20x alt DB Hang Clean & Jerk
25x Thrusters/WallBalls
30x StarJumps/60x Singles
35x Burpees
30x Star Jumps/60x Singles
25x Thrusters/WallBalls
20x alt DB Hang Clean & Jerk
10x Pike Pushups
“It’s . . . . . MONDAY! Here we are again – days and weeks all rolling into one another and becoming much of a blur! We have a spicy start to the week . . . . and we have an equally spicy end on Friday 🙂 To get through this workout efficiently with good movement you will want to stick at a steady pace. DO NOT – repeat – DO NOT race through the first few sets like a sprint and then have nothing in the tank for the lovely 50 burpees!
Handstand Push-ups can be strict or kipping. If you have a cushion and a few large books lying around then use them to build up a base if required as a scale option. The other scaled option is a pike push-up on your toes in pike position – keep that bum up in the air, don’t let them turn into a weird hybrid pike/odd looking push-up. If you are struggling on your toes then bring the bum down and do regular push-ups.
DB hang clean and jerk, these are just fun. Have fun with them. Love them. Love this station.
Moving to Thrusters and Wallballs, dig deep and get through them, there’s is nothing pretty about either movement. Use a wallball if you have it, if not then thrusters with an odd object or DB. You can do one arm thrusters if you have only one object, 15 left, 15 right. If you have 2 DB’s – use them 🙂 Your welcome!
Skipping is going to be a little harder as we are no longer fresh going in – aim for unbroken but if you are dying then split up into 2 sets. Burpees are next. Move through them at a steady pace. Slow and steady win the race and all that.
Most importantly have fun. Happy Monday!”
Handstand Push-ups can be strict or kipping. If you have a cushion and a few large books lying around then use them to build up a base if required as a scale option. The other scaled option is a pike push-up on your toes in pike position – keep that bum up in the air, don’t let them turn into a weird hybrid pike/odd looking push-up. If you are struggling on your toes then bring the bum down and do regular push-ups.
DB hang clean and jerk, these are just fun. Have fun with them. Love them. Love this station.
Moving to Thrusters and Wallballs, dig deep and get through them, there’s is nothing pretty about either movement. Use a wallball if you have it, if not then thrusters with an odd object or DB. You can do one arm thrusters if you have only one object, 15 left, 15 right. If you have 2 DB’s – use them 🙂 Your welcome!
Skipping is going to be a little harder as we are no longer fresh going in – aim for unbroken but if you are dying then split up into 2 sets. Burpees are next. Move through them at a steady pace. Slow and steady win the race and all that.
Most importantly have fun. Happy Monday!”
Tabata 4 rnds – 20s work – 10s rest
Shoulder Taps
Mountain Climbers
Tabata 4 rnds – 20s works – 10s rest
Air Squats