Wednesday 29th July

3 rounds
10 alt Zombie Kicks
10 Toe Touches
5 Sumo Stiff Leg Deadlift – light weight
5 Conventional Deadlift – light weight
Metcon (Time)

5 rounds for time:
20x Deadlift (rucksack, DB’s, Medball, Sandbag, Barbell)*
400m sprint

*Deadlift should be set at moderate to light weight if you have access to weight – looking for all sets to be unbroken
4 rounds for time:
15x Deadlift (rucksack, DB’s, Medball, Sandbag, Barbell)*
200m sprint

Ok this is going to be quite a lengthy one, remember this is not about the deadlift, the deadlift is just sitting there malevolently making the run harder, or possibly vice versa. For the deadlift all 20 reps are to be unbroken, so if you’re using a standard weight, DB, KB, BB life is grand, nothing could be easier, however the odd object option will offer some unique challenges to you. You’ll find that the odd object may require a lot more focus to pick up safely when you’re hanging from your 400m sprint, please don’t rush your set up, take a couple of big breaths, get set and go. If you’re using a sandbag or another odd object without a handle then you may take the weight from just below the knee, this should give you about the same range of movement as the other guys with their standard masses, but it will also let you maintain tension throughout your 20 reps. You may find that on the run your chest is lifting and you’re struggling, the answer, as it so often is, is to pull your abs in tight, try to tuck your belly button into your spine, you should find you can run in a somewhat straighter line now. If you are a good runner there’s a small, really small, that you can get in somewhere around 10 minutes, some of the rest of you may be looking at around 15 minutes, however long it takes you if you can talk afterwards you didn’t go hard enough, start again.