Wednesday 17th June


3 rounds
20s Fast Feet
20s RBM
20s High Jumps (dip and jump)
Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)

4x Burpees
8x Squats
12x Mountain climbers/per leg

Rest 3mins

RX+: Weight vest or back pack

Finisher: 50x Tricep kickbacks per arm light weight, unbroken
4x Burpees
8x Squats
12x Mountain climbers/per leg

Rest 2mins

Finisher: 50x Tricep kickbacks per arm light weight, unbroken

It’s sad that this is only the second AMRAP this month, I miss AMRAPs, I like them, I even like saying it AMRAP, AMRAP, AMRAP. At least there’s 2 of them, that’s nice.
So 2×7 minute AMRAPs with a lil’ ol’ 3 minute rest in between. The reps are small, manageable, something you should always, always be able to batter through quickly. 4 burpees are nothing, 8 air squats, I laugh at them, 12 mountain climbers, it’s not those bloody Navy Seals nonsense movements. The more aggressively gung ho amongst you should be aiming for 2 rounds a minute, really, really going all out so that those 3 minutes of rest are a short, fuzzy, dark time where you only sensory input is the harsh rasping of your own breath. I will accept 1 round a minute if you have a note from your mother, a doctor and one saint of your choice.
There is an RX+ option here, but before you don your weight vest I want you to think about your stimulus, can you get 2 rounds a minute? If not why are you adding weight and not just going harder? Is it a good idea to wear a vest for the first AMRAP and then taking it off for the second? So many things to consider, so much pain in your future.
Smooches, hugs and tickles.

Adv: 14+ rnds
Int: 11+ rnds
Beg: 8+ rnds