Thursday 4th June



3 rounds
20x Heel drives each side (pause at bottom)
10x Tuck crunches or Sit-ups
5x Airsquat into 5x tuck jumps


Complete 2x30s OH hold on each arm with weight. Focus on setting the shoulder down to engage the lat, lock out elbow, bicep to ear, completely stacked, ribcage pulled down, butt squeezed.

Metcon (Time)

6 Rounds for time:
Run 200m / 1min cardio
4x alt Turkish Get-ups with DB/KB/odd object
10x Burpees over object

45 seconds per side Couch stretch
90 seconds per side pigeon


4 Rounds for time:
Run 200m / 1min cardio
4x alt Turkish Get-ups with DB/KB/odd object
8x Burpees over object

45 seconds per side Couch stretch
90 seconds per side pigeon

Technical work today my wonderful WODders. A little run to get your in the mood and then into those Turkish getups, I highly advise everyone doing today’s WOD to watch the YouTube brief to really hone in your Turkish getup technique, it’s a difficult movement made harder by being an over eager dumb ass, I speak from experience here. For your weight you can use a DB or KB of an appropriate weight, I wouldn’t advise going over 24/16kg unless you are very experienced with the movement. If you don’t have access to a suitably heavy weight that is not an issue, you can take a lighter weight and double up a light band and hang your weight from the band, the instability will make that light weight feel much, much heavier. If you are without weight or bands then you can grab a bag, even one of plastic or one for life, pop a few cans or water bottle into it and use that, again the instability will make the bag feel much heavier. Burpees over your object, be it KB, DB or bag of stuff will be lateral and do not require you to stand up or clap, jump over, drop down, get up, jump back. Sorted. I’m looking for some blistering times here, I’d like to see a sub 12 but not at the cost of technique with the Turkish Getup, that just means doing everything else really fast.
For our finisher there will be some stretching, complaining, more stretching and a touch of gossip.