Monday 8th June



2 rounds

30s High Knees
30s alt Lunges
30s Butt Kicks
10x Russain baby makers


OK you lovely people today we have all the strength, we will make you regret even having legs. there will be strength gains in your hamstrings, gluts, quads, hip flexors, abs, obliques and character. You are everso, everso lucky aren’t you.

Good Mornings (5×10 )

*scaled/silvers 4×10

A. Good Mornings, these can be done with whatever you have to hand, a barbell will be across your shoulders, a KB can be hung around the neck using a golden chain, sandbags and rucksacks will be clutched to the chest and held close. If you are lacking weight to make this feel significant then you can simply increase your time under tension, anything from a 3-5 seconds count down and up will make this soooooo much more fun. The angle at the hip should be no more than 45 degrees, going any lower increases you risk of injury to the lower back without giving you any significant extra gains, not worth it.

Bulgarian Split Squats (3×12)

Scaled/Silvers 3×10/leg

B. Bulgarian Split squats are the literal devil, we know this, we hate them. For these you will be adding whatever weight you can handle, it won’t be a lot, it can be as little as bodyweight with a slow concentric/eccentric and it will suck. Make sure your knee of the the supporting leg does not come further forward than your ankle, this will not only allow you to use those hamstrigs but will lower the potential for a knee based owie, technical term for an injury.

Inverse Row (4×10)
C. Inverse rows, you’ve been doing these a lot if you’re not on pullups, you should be champions at this, if they 4×10 feels way too easy focus on your form and range of movement, try to bring your chest all the way up to your bar, control your body weight on the way up and down, hold a hollow position all the way through.
Wipers (3×10/side)

Scaled/Silvers: 3×10 wipers or side bends

D. Wipers, I love these, on your back, feet up in the air in an “L” shape, hands out to the side and bring your feet down to one side, don’t let your feet tough the floor, bring them back to the middle and down to the other side, that is 1 rep. Maintain as much control as you can, if you can’t get your feet very low that’s fine, you can increase your strength in the position over time.

Pike Pluses (100x )

Scaled/Silvers 50x

E. 100 Pike pulses, if you’re flexible these are easy so bring your hands closer to your feet, leaning back whilst doing these makes them way too easy, if your hamstring are too tight to allow you to perform the movement sat on the floor then pop a book under your bum. The range of movement can be tiny, but by not bringing your feet to the floor you will maintain tension and that is where the real horror show will begin. Go as close to unbroken as you can.