For Time:
100-80-60-40-20x Double Unders/Star Jumps or 200-160-120-80-40 Single Unders
50-40-30-20-10x DB Hang Snatch alt arms
Accessory: 100x bent over reverse flies – 1/2 range to top
or 100x banded pullaparts
For Time:
80-60-40-20x Double Unders/Star Jumps or 200-160-120-80-40 Single Unders
40-30-20-10x DB Hang Snatch alt arms
Accessory: 100x bent over reverse flies – 1/2 range to top
or 100x banded pullaparts
I feel like we just don’t skip enough, you guys are probably all sat at home thinking the same, so here’s some skipping with a little Snatch to break it up and let your calves have a rest. If you don’t have double unders you’re going to either do double the number in single unders or the same number in star jumps. For the Snatch alternate hands every rep, remember if you are lucky enough to have a DB don’t change hands over your head, bring the weight in front of your face before you let go, just to avoid the whole dying thing. No DB no problem, if you have a KB you can use that, although you’ll have to change hands in the hang position because that KB is a very awkward object, if you have a light band you can mimic the movement, stand on it with your left foot and perform 10 reps then change foot and hand, you can shorten the band for more of a challenge. Finally if you are bereft of all kit fear not a small bag filled with a little weight should be challenging enough, make sure you pad the bag out to keep things nice and tight, it’ll be more like a KB snatch but it is doable if slightly terrifying.
Once the WOD is done the accessory work is either 100 banded pull aparts or 100 half range bent over, straight arm reverse flies, with both exercises I want you thinking solely about pulling the shoulder blades together, pause at maximum contraction before moving on to your next rep. This should be unbroken so that should give you and idea of the weight to use.
20sec Heel drives
20sec OH/side DB hold
20sec Russian DB/Backpack Swings
20sec Penguin taps