Wednesday 13th May
Technique Classes this week are on Gymnastics on Thurs & Sat



2 Rounds

15x Plate* Ground to Over Head
5x Burpees

30x Banded* Good Mornings
5x Burpees

*bag hugged to chest will work just fine for good mornings and can also be used for GTOH doesn’t need to be heavy

Metcon (Time)

Box Jumps / Jump overs
DB Snatch / Heavy Banded Sumo Dimmel Deadlift

RX+ weight vest or loaded back pack


*step-ups instead of jumps

21-15-9 everyone’s favourite rep scheme, sprint, sprint, sprint. This is a fast little WOD, you should be out of breath early and stay that way. Box jumps if you have a box and jump overs if you do not. Your jump over is literally creating a barrier and jumping over it, a hurdle, a partner, a bin bag filled with helium balloons, turn around and jump back, the higher and wider the better. DB snatch will be alternating hands, all the way to the ground every time, you can do this with a KB if you have one, but half the reps in one hand then half in the other, don’t change hands mid air, it’s not safe or clever. You can also use an odd object in the house/yard – just make sure it is safe to grip and not breakable. You other option the banded sumo dimmel deadlift. Be sure to check out the YouTube brief to see how to do these properly.
When you are done have a couple of minutes rest, virtually high five those in cyber space, or draw a hand on a wall and high five that.


3 min Pancake Stretch

Pancake Stretch

Sit down on the floor and push your feet as far away from each other as possible. Keeping you back flat and your chin tucked in try to gently ease you chest to the floor, hold the stretch for about 5 seconds and back off, do this 5 times. Now turn from the waist and try to get your chest to your thigh, flat back and chin tucked in, hold for 5 seconds and back off, do this 5 times, change sides. Come back to the middle, repeat as before but this time hold the stretch for 10 seconds. Drop your left elbow to the floor and reach your right hand up to the ceiling, keep the arm overhead and lift the elbow back up, hold for 10 seconds and repeat 5 times. Change sides. Come back to the middle and see how low you can get your chest, keep a flat back, hold for 30-60 seconds. Turn the waist to the left, see how close to your thigh you can get your chest, flat back, hold for 30-60 seconds, change sides. Drop your left elbow to the floor and reach your right hand up to the ceiling, see how close to the floor you can get and how overhead you can keep the other hand, hold for 30-60 seconds. Change sides.