Tuesday 19th May

2 rounds:
30 star jumps
10 push ups
10 hollow rocks

Strength day and it’s all chest, at last I can have the cleavage I’ve always dreamed of, there’s some nasty wonderful stuff in your future and I’m here to help your transition from pain free to ooh, ow, stop.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

A. 9×5 every 45 seconds Pseudo Push up

Scaled: A. 4x20sec Pseudo position Plank hold

A. The pseudo push up, this is a new movement for a lot of you, possibly all of you, this is a planche push up progression, our ultimate aim is to be in a perfect planche and perform push ups, this may not happen after 1 session. As this is a new movement for you I’ve written a really long description for Ryan and he will take you through it in minute detail in his brief, so you’re going to to have to watch the brief, Ryan wear something pretty please your audience awaits. Once you have watched the video set a timer to run for 9 rounds and 45 seconds, you have 45 seconds to perform 5 pseudo pushups and rest, once the timer beeps you’re off again.
Deficit Handstand Push-ups (Max reps)
Handstand Push-ups (B. 9×3 Strict RX+ 2″ deficit)

Scaled/Silvers: B. 9×3 Pike Pushups or 5sec negative pushups

B. Strict HSPU, these never stop being fun, you can use that same timer again if you’re able, you can up it to 1 minute if you like, or drop it to 30 seconds if you’re feeling strong, but give yourself a timer to work with to stop you procrastinating. If you don’t have HSPU then you will work on your PPU, if you really struggle with these then you can pop your knees up onto a chair and try them from there, gradually you can use higher and higher things to support your knees until you are in pretty much a straight line, then you can come back to the floor and start again with the PPU. Negatives are a really good option for this portion of the workout as well, maybe set a longer timer if you’re doing negatives as they take longer. RX+ is a 2″ deficit, so a couple of text books will be your friend here.


C. Superset x3
15x Sphinx Pushups
20x Reverse flies

C. Superset x3
10x Dips
20x Reverse flies

C. It’s a SUPERSET yo. 15 Sphinx pushups, with these don’t let your elbows touch the ground and don’t fully lockout the elbow, we’re going to keep those triceps fully loaded, these can be done on the knees as well, it’s not much better. Your reverse flies don’t require heavy weights, if you have something really light, like cans of Spam, then keep your elbows pulled in tight to your body, this will get into your rotator cuffs a little more and get burny quicker. 3 rounds of this, every movemeht unbroken and straight into the next one.

D. Superset x5
10x Extra wide push ups
5x Headstand to press

D. Superset x5
5x Extra wide push ups
3x Headstand to press (scale accordingly, see video)

D. It’s another Superset, just because we care about your training intensity. The extra wide pushups will be just that, bring your hands lower down so that they are in line with the bottom of your chest, rotate your hands 45 degrees and walk them out so that you have about a 135 degree angle at the elbow, this is where you will press from. The headstand to press is a wonderful little movement that will have you upside down and working that lower back, this can be done as a tuck or a straddle if you are unable to do it straight legged.
Hollow Hold (Floor) (Tabata 20s on 10s rest)

Scaled/Silvers: 10s on, 20s rest

E. Abs, oh the abs. Tabata hollow holds, I feel like there’s not much to say about these, you’ll be fine until round 3 and then the burning starts. Try to hold on as long as you can, keep the bum squeezed hard and bringing your hands overhead really does make this harder so bear that in mind.