Wednesday 27th May

Alt Tabata – 20s works, 10s rest – 8 rnds
alt Lateral Lunges
Arabesque alt legs


It’s a strength day and this time it’s nearly all Viv’s fault, I accept less than 5% of the blame this time.

Goblet Squat (7×5 )

A. Goblet squats with a 5 second descent, pause at the bottom for a moment and then stand, perform all 5 reps unbroken and then rest for 30 seconds.

Scaled/Silvers: 6×5

Weighted Step-ups (4×10/leg & 10 Box Jumps)

B. 4×10/leg Weighted Step-ups with control into 10x Box Jumps/Jump Squats (no weight)

Scaled/Silvers: 3×10/leg & 10 Jumps

Superset! Step ups under control, this mean you are not pushing off the back foot, you want to load up the foot on the box and allow it to lift you, add weight if you can manage it without pushing off the back leg. Straight into the box jumps or if you don’t have a box or place for the jumps you will go straight into a jumping squat where you jump as high as you can. No rest between movements or sets if you can manage it.


C. 4×10 SL Glute Bridge/side into 10x Hamstring slides on floor (or with swiss ball/roller)

Scaled/Silvers: 3×10 SL Glute bridge & 10 HS slides

C. SUPERSET! Single leg glut bridges are tough, if you want to make them tougher you can raise the supporting foot higher, make sure you come to full hip extension, that means you have to squeeze the bum and abs as hard as possible. The hamstring slides on the floor/foam roller/grid roller, are very difficuly, to get the most out of them you need maintain a full hip extension all the way through the movement, bum squeezed hard. This superset is the thing nightmares are made of.
Russian Twists (4×25/side)

Scaled/Silvers: 4×20/side

D. Thank god, no more supersets. For your Russian twists you can use any weight you have to hand or find challenging, for me this would be a 24kg KB, the weight is held to your chest and does not touch the floor, so not slamming it down every rep, we need to maintain tension and get as much twist through the mid section as possible. rest for no more than 90 seconds between sets.


100x 2″ deficit Reverse Lunges alt legs

Scaled/Silvers: 50-75x Reverse Lunges alt legs

Finisher. The reverese lunges should be done unbroken, for the deficit you can stand on a yoga block or a text book, or a 10kg plate, whatever you have to hand, bring the foot far back and make sure your knee touches the floor, you’ll be surprised at how easy 100 is.